It seems as though people don't understand how StreamBoost works. StreamBoost is done by Qualcomm Atheros not D-link.
StreamBoost is a new type of QOS it's cloud based. It user proof. Now that's not saying it's perfect but it works well.
If you just Google Search Streamboost you can find all the info on how it works. It's only giving an app what it needs to have that way if two of the same apps are running, say Netflix for example the higher one on your list will have the best bw.
When people see the 10% drop in speed tests after setup that's normal. Go look at how you set up DD-WRT it says to back off 10% of your total speed so your network never becomes overwhelmed.
StreamBoost does all that for you.
I've spent the last year testing and doing research even spent the time to contact Qualcomm.
Is the router broken? NO!
Does it need us the forum users to help make it better by giving good info? YES
I bought this router because I hate lag it makes me a very

Day one after setup and playing 1 match of Blops2 I was in love

SB does a good job of keeping thing even.
Do this works well with any COD go play a match or two without SB on. Make sure it's HC so bullets count quick. Now count your bullets.
Now turn SB back on give it a bit to settle in and count your bullets.
Sounds nuts but I did it a few times to see cuz I thought I was trippin

It takes way less I promise. For me it was about 3-8 bullets difference.
Now don't get me bent that's just what I saw at the time of my test runs.
I'm sure this very's depending on overall speed and ping and such.
If anyone is unsure about setup or how SB works I'll be glad to help.

Just do me a favor and don't turn this forum into a Gaming forum where people just complain.
If ya need help ask tell us where most friendly

Make sure to post your exact problem and not your anger

Or I won't let you in my Vault and you'll become a Ghoul