This is/was my understanding regarding the antennae. It has "8" external antenna:
MU-MIMO = Multiple User Multi-In Multi-Out
MU-MIMO TECHNOLOGY – Handles high-bandwidth network traffic on multiple devices
QAM = Quadrature Amplification Modulation
NitroQAM = 8 antenna 4x4 MU-MIMO
Advanced AC SmartBeam = intelligent algorithm to detect where the device is and where it’s moving in order to send a focused signal directly to it.
Advanced SmartConnect = allocates the best available band for optimal Wi-Fi performance (in my case 98% devices = 5 gHz)
When I set my D-Link DWA-192 adapter to 802.11ac AND my DIRL-895L router to 802.11ac (only), the connection drops every 30-90 seconds after re-establishing it. Windows Diagnostics identifies a "gateway" problem. I'm trying to rule out the antennas as the problem. It seems to occur ONLY with the 802.11ac exclusive setting and the ability to set the bandwidth from 20 to 40 wide could also play a role?