Ok, so I did a factory reset and set up SSID and PW, left all other wifi settings alone. Set up QoS for Automatic everything. Entered 2 QoS rules for xbox and all other device. Not using any custom DNS addresses. I'm online now and router seems to be working ok.
Logging back into the router reports that measurement testing is in progress. Estimated Link speed reports after test that either Not Estimated or "Your broadband internet connection has surpassed
the uplink measurement requirement.." Router does not detect the type of connection, so it reports Not Detected for a Cable modem it's connected too.

Speed Test resorts the follow using my Mac Book Pro via 5Ghz radio:

Switching to 2.4Ghz and running same test:

Possible issue with 2.4Ghz radio. I'd have to test with different WiFi adapter on my Mac to see.
Still not seeing the most of my connected LAN devices in the Dynamic Clients lists for some reason.

I presume that each device might need to be rebooted for the router to correctly add them in the list.

Switching to custom DNS addresses and turning DNS Relay OFF on 5Ghz:

Set both radios to Single mode N, WPA2 and AES only with success.
Xbox connected at 128-129Mb and MacBook connected at 15Mb @ 100% on 2.4Ghz.
iPhone connected at 61Mb at 100% MacBook Rate fluctuated greatly from 15Mb down to 7Mb after continuously refreshing the wifi status page. Would not remain at a constant rate or at 130Mb. All this in the same room with in 6 feet of router.
Xbox connected at 280Mb @ 94% MacBook connects at 270Mb @ 92% on 5Ghz. Saw fluctuations on rates and %s with Mac Book connection. Did not seem to maintain a stable rate while refreshing the page.
Going to play some xbox on both wireless and wired and see how it goes.
Did some gaming with 2 Xboxes connected to the 5Ghz radio at the same time for a couple of hours. Gaming was good and solid. No major issues seen.
I believe the 2.4Ghz radio is ok however could use a bit more stability I believe as fluctuations in rates seems off with my MacBook Pro on this radio. 5ghz is stable.
I think over all, I would wait or hold off on using this beta build for the general population. v1.04 is much more stable. For the tinker people, give it a try if you want too.

I have forwarded this onto D-Link for review.