I notice 2 thing, when using the Schedule Download from disk to disk.
1 - If i download a too large folder, some strange thing happen. I see some folder appear with only 1 letter. Like "My Documents" ... "M" and "My Documents" appear. I create also a "xxx - Test" folder to see if all subfolder as been copied : the result is no, not all folder as been copied.
With no "result" on a TXT file, it's impossible to determine if the Schedule Download work fine. I strongly suggest "not to use it".
2 - My little 2 years old kid see the blue led on the nas, and find the irresistible need to press the square buttom. Resealt : shutdown of the NAS.... and i found that my schedule Download that contain 10 items, as been vanish ! (not there anymore).
If this issue cannot be fix, just add a "export/import" schedule list, and after a crash, we will save lot of time with this feature.