Hi....I've posted before about my setup. However, I have one computer hard-wired to my 4500, and a new iMac wireless. I also have an Android Cell Phone and a Kindle Wireless. I don't do gaming, so I have Gamefuel off. I am in Mixed wireless mode, so I get the benefit's of the N version of the Router to my iMac. The wireless speed to my iMac is very fast, however, while I'm doing things on it, the signal is starting to totally drop once in a while.
WISH is enabled by default, and I tried to set up a Rule for it for the iMac, but keep getting an error message....So I do not have a Rule set up. Called D-Link, talked to Tier 2 support, they were of no help. Any suggestions? The iMac is in line of sight of the 4500, and I usually get full bars on the iMac, until they totally drop for a second or two.
Note: Everything was working fine until I tried to set up a Rule for the iMac. It was never set up, however, WISH is still enabled. Don't know if it's coincidence, for the Rule section is back to it's default settings, and no Rule is set up.