This is now the second time I have had a drive fail on the supported list (500GB Maxtor STM3500320AS)
and dropping in a new unit fails to mirror.
Granted my DNS-323 is my oldest NAS. I also have a Thecus N2200, and a Thucus N4100Pro Raid 1/5/10 5 Drive unit. I have had drive failures on the 2 drive Thecus N2200 using the same drives, and they raid right up.
I have to question if If Dlink is still supporting this unit? I had also tried to drop a pair of new
Seagate 7200.12 1TB in there but no luck. Seems the drive list only goes up to .11 drives since it is
dated back in 2007!
I suppose maybe the Dlink DNS-323 is ready for e-cycle and time to upgrade?
There is no point in running Raid 1 if auto-sync is enabled on Raid 1 and it always fails!
I have tried the same Maxtor drive, and I have tried a comparable 500GB Seagate drive on
the "verified list" as well....
Not sure raid 1 recovery ever actually worked at this point.