D-Link Forums

The Graveyard - Products No Longer Supported => Network and WIreless Adapters => DWA-160 => Topic started by: Falryx on August 15, 2009, 10:24:24 AM

Title: DWA-160 and Apple Time Capsule
Post by: Falryx on August 15, 2009, 10:24:24 AM
The rest of my household is a Mac household -- and I've got a gaming box with a DWA-160 as its Wireless adaptor.  I've found that normal interactive usage of the DWA-160 is fine -- but whenever I try and download something (be it virus updates, demos, patches, or stuff via steam) I get really irregular performance out of the DWA-160.

I'll see my transfer rate anywhere between 80K - 300K and averages usually down around 150-200.  By contrast if I connect a wire to my Time Capsule from my PC I can get rates between 500-600K (which is consistent with rates I experience with a Macbook hooked up to the Time Capsule).

Is there anything I can tweak to improve this behavior?  Stringing wires in a fundamentally wireless household (small children) is a bit of a hassle. :)
