D-Link Forums

The Graveyard - Products No Longer Supported => D-Link Storage => DNS-325 => Topic started by: piedpulse on April 03, 2016, 03:27:41 PM

Title: 325 dead can i put hdds in another nas?
Post by: piedpulse on April 03, 2016, 03:27:41 PM
my 325 is dead.
There are two hard drives in standard mode. Not raid.

when i try to turn it on, power light flashes continuosly. After few seconds red leds flash for hdd. But after they become white.
But there's no way to communicate with nas, i tried also reset but doesn't work.

Can i put the 2 hdd in another nas?
I think is not possible with another brand and i saw Dlink 320 model on Amazon. Is it compatible without formatting the drives?

Thank you
Title: Re: 325 dead can i put hdds in another nas?
Post by: ivan on April 12, 2016, 07:41:51 AM
I assume that you don't have a backup of your data hence the need for them to work in another unit.

All is not lost because you have them as standard drives.  All you need is a USB/SATA caddy or adapter with its own power supply, a Linux computer, or a live Linux DVD and another disk with enough free space to hold all your data.

Boot Linux, computer or live DVD, plug in the disk mounted in the caddy or adapter and, if you are using an external USB drive for the backup, that as well.  Now it is a matter of transferring your data from the NAS disk/s to the storage disk or disks.

Once you have a backup put the disks into a new unit, format them as standard disks and restore your data.