D-Link Forums

The Graveyard - Products No Longer Supported => Routers / COVR => DIR-628 => Topic started by: sliknik99 on August 28, 2014, 01:26:54 PM

Title: DIR-628 throttling bandwidth for specific devices possible?
Post by: sliknik99 on August 28, 2014, 01:26:54 PM

I am aware that this is a very old topic but I thought I would post here since I have an old D-Link DIR 628 which works perfectly fine with no issues.

Recently, I have had a guest who is staying for a little while and she asked if she could pay to use the internet.

I agreed.

However from the very first day, her bandwidth connection has been explosive unlike anything I've ever seen while running my wireless home network since 2009.

My connection was the fastest at 55 Mbps and everyone else's was less than 30 Mbps...No issues!

When this guest comes on, her connection is raging at 130 Mbps!!! >:(
She is literally choking off everyone's connection.
I suspect she is either downloading media or streaming videos.

I don't want to ask her to tone it down a bit otherwise she might feel offended and tell me that she is paying for her usage.
I also don't really want to refund her either, since I don't mind the extra cash.
My real concern is that she is inconveniencing my other paying guests.

Anyway, I have the DIR 628 Version as was mentioned by the poster above and I have the QOS page mentioned in the previous post.
If somebody could walk me through it and help me to turn down her usage that would be great.
Those settings are utterly confusing to me. :-[
Title: Re: DIR-628 throttling bandwidth for specific devices possible?
Post by: FurryNutz on August 28, 2014, 01:34:18 PM
Link>Welcome! (http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=48135.0)

Internet Service Provider and Modem Configurations

I recommend reviewing this:
Gaming and QoS for XBL (http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=42011.0)
Look at the Single and Multiple Device rule example and set up a couple of rules, one for the device that seems to be hogging bandwidth and place a priority of 200 on it. Create another rule for the rest of the devices and place a priority of 128 to begin with and adjust up to maybe 100 or 50.
Title: Re: DIR-628 throttling bandwidth for specific devices possible?
Post by: sliknik99 on August 28, 2014, 03:24:10 PM
I have read your review and it makes perfect sense.
Very helpful and it seems to work.

Thanks a lot. ;D
Title: Re: DIR-628 throttling bandwidth for specific devices possible? (RESOLVED)
Post by: FurryNutz on August 28, 2014, 04:10:47 PM
Awesome. Glad it's working better. Come back and visit if you need more help and information.

Enjoy.  ;)