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The Graveyard - Products No Longer Supported => D-Link Storage => DNS-323 => Topic started by: alberich on February 12, 2008, 11:36:40 AM

Title: itunes & 1.04
Post by: alberich on February 12, 2008, 11:36:40 AM
After upgrading to firmware 1.04, everything seems to work ok, except for itunes share. I cannot see the shared itunes files on any network attached device.

I have tried the "refresh" but this also seems to fail & hover between 94% and 95% without completing
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: ECF on February 13, 2008, 11:10:33 AM
If the refresh fails it is not going to work properly and be seen on the network. You need to now find why it is failing there may be a file in the folder that is corrupt and not allowing the refresh to get past this file. This is rare but it does happen. Try putting all you iTunes media in a folder and only share this folder in the iTunes server.
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: alberich on February 13, 2008, 12:39:02 PM
I have all the itunes media in a single folder and the problem still exists.

Yes, there may be some file corruption but this does not explain why when I roll back to firmware 1.03, the problem disappears even though I have made no changes to the itunes files.

I have also tried drastic measures such as reformatting Volume_1, copying back all the itunes media from another drive. The problem still exists (with 1.04).

The itunes media folder is about 40GB.
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: chuckv on February 13, 2008, 03:21:08 PM
could it be related to the metadata (ID tags?) stored within the MP3's causing the corruption? 1.03 may not be that stringent in looking for metadata, while 1.04 may have introduced better checking? your mp3's will still play without the metadata, but this can cause instability when it comes to viewing

just a thought
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: alberich on February 14, 2008, 09:20:51 AM
Yes, its definitely a result of more stringent checking with 1.04, since 1.03 works ok. I've also forced itunes to check the entire folder again (by importing the entire folder of mp3s). itunes does not find any issues.

I guess I will work around the problem by either:
1) Reverting to 1.03 since I have no immediate need for 1.04 features
2) Staying with 1.04 & not using the itunes server as it is not really a much used feature.

Overall, I'm still impressed with the DNS-323 compared to similar products.
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: chuckv on February 14, 2008, 02:59:36 PM
if i recall, you can force iTunes to enforice ID Tag's .. to the newer version .. but not via the iTunes server .. eg, drag all files into the itunes application manually (w/o iTunes sever) .. then select all files (Control + A) .. right click, there should be option tehre about id tags..

give that a shot and see how that goes
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: alberich on February 15, 2008, 07:38:23 AM
There are a few versions of ID3 tags to convert to. I'll try to convert to ID3 tag version 2.4 & see what happens.

I've also found a itunes database manipulation program at www.fixtunes.com which seems to do the same & a lot more.

I'm going to make backups at each step, so I'll take a while.

The DNS-323 was bought primarily as a backup/file share device so the itunes server is basically a "nice to have" feature. I've sort of settled down to using the DNS-323 as a short-term backup device with Smartsync to deal with device syncs. The Memeo product proved too flaky.

I'll post my findings here for others.
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: alberich on February 15, 2008, 09:35:58 AM
Converting to ID3 tag version 2.4 does not work. When the converted mp3 files are moved to the DNS-323 itunes server, the refresh does not go past 3%. So I guess firmware 1.04 is not compatible with ID3 version 2.4.

I guess if I had done some reading first at www.id3.org I would have found out that version 2.4 of ID3 is still not common & that version 2.3 is the commonly accepted standard.

Some further research reveals that this issue occurs in other software, notably Firefly. Problem resolution here has been to remove all id3 tags (using itunes to convert all id3 tags to "none") and then reapplying id3 tags (using itunes to convert id3 tags to 2.3).

I will leave an open question for DLINK as to which versions of ID3 tags the itunes server in firmware 1.04 supports.

If they can answer that, I'll waste some more of my time ...

"The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from"
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: alberich on May 20, 2008, 03:59:53 PM
Firmware 1.05 fixed this problem. The itunes server now works with my 40GB library
Title: Re: itunes & 1.04
Post by: ECF on May 22, 2008, 03:59:11 PM
Great to hear!! Thank you for your input I was just about to suggest that since the iTunes support for large library's update in 1.05 firmware.