What Ivan recommends doing first:
Why oh why do people always shut down NAS boxes when they get an error message - that is the quickest way to lose all data.
The good things:
1) it appears that you don't have auto rebuild enabled. This is very good because since RAID 1 tries to mirror the drives you could end up with a lot of your data on the good drive going missing in an auto rebuild.
2) you have a RAID 1 setup, and assuming that only one disk is faulty, you still have all of your data intact.
The bad things:
1) you switched off the unit without checking the HD indicator LEDs or accessing the web interface to check what the problem was.
2) now you have to do the checking the hard way to find out which drive is faulty.
Hand checking:
1) obtain a SATA/USB adapter/caddy.
2) download a copy of the latest Seagate Seatools disk diagnostics program (either the bootable CD or USB stick is recommended although installing the program on a windows machine also works).
3) open the NAS and mark each drive with which slot it is in (this is important as the good drive MUST go back into the slot it came from if you don't want to lose any data).
4) take out one drive and insert it into the adapter/caddy.
5) boot up the computer with the disk tools, plug in the USB adapter/caddy and then follow the instructions to test the drive.
6) if the disk tools reports the drive as faulty you know which drive to replace (use a drive of the same capacity or larger).
After you replace the drive and power up the NAS it should tell you that the RAID array is degraded and you should rebuild it. Do so and you should be back to a fully working unit.
This is taken from here: