D-Link Wireless Adapters > DWA-582
Windows 10 Issues
I have the same problem on my recently acquired DWA-582 PCIe card, I'm on Windows 10 x64 Edu with 1803 build, I've tried both driver 1.02B01 and 1.05B Beta, the 802.11 a/n/ac mode is broken for the device with Win 10 1803, however 802.11 b/n or any other band that works only on 2.4GHz works fine.
Problem case steps:
1. Try to connect to 5GHz Access Point provided by router.
2. Insert wifi password and press connect.
3. Windows tries to connect , shows "getting network requirements" status message.
4. After a couple of seconds( max ~1 min) the adapter fails completely and resets
Fails completely: Windows stops seeing it, it disappears from Device Manager, Network Adapter and the notification icon turns on like there is no cable connected( falls back to the motherboards' LAN card which is not plugged anywhere)
5. After 5-10 seconds(this can be skipped by right clicking and selecting "Scan for new hardware" in Device Manager), the device is back up, not connected to anything
6. Trying to connect to 5Ghz access point results in the same steps as above however sometimes it connects but not for more than 5 minutes at a time and repeating the 4th step.
I've tried:
1.Resetting the router
2.Renaming the access points.
3.Deleting all cache and settings in Windows regarding networking
4.Uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers and the PCI-E Card following and not following the instructions on the order of connecting the device.
5.Tried with WPA2, WEP and no security.
I have a custom built PC:
--- Code: ---Operating System
Windows 10 Education 64-bit
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
14nm Technology
8.00GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1197MHz (16-16-16-39)
--- End code ---
There is only Windows Defender installed on the machine, totally unrelated
Searching through the Events log :
--- Code: ---Details about network adapter diagnosis:
Network adapter Wi-Fi driver information:
Description . . . . . . . . . . : D-Link DWA-582 Wireless AC1200 Dual Band PCI Express Adapter
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . : D-Link Corporation
Provider . . . . . . . . . . . : D-Link Corporation
Version . . . . . . . . . . . : 2023.67.925.2017
Inf File Name . . . . . . . . . : C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem59.inf
Inf File Date . . . . . . . . . : Friday, February 9, 2018 2:27:18 PM
Section Name . . . . . . . . . : GEN8812ae_beamformcap.ndi
Hardware ID . . . . . . . . . . : pci\ven_10ec&dev_8812&subsys_33051186
Instance Status Flags . . . . . : 0x180200a
Device Manager Status Code . . : 0
IfType . . . . . . . . . . . . : 71
Physical Media Type . . . . . . : 9
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:
Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: f113b6a2-f8f2-4db0-bedf-8fccee73a855
Interface name: D-Link DWA-582 Wireless AC1200 Dual Band PCI Express Adapter
Interface type: Native Wi-Fi
Profile: Discovery connection
SSID: NoCableNoProblem5GHz
SSID length: 20
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Connection incident diagnosed
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Connection ID: 2
Connection status summary
Connection started at: 2018-07-13 19:41:08-894
Profile match: Success
Pre-Association: Success
Association: Fail
Security and Authentication: Not started
List of visible access point(s): 14 item(s) total, 14 item(s) displayed
BSSID BSS Type PHY Signal(dB) Chnl/freq SSID
F8-1A-67-56-41-02 Infra <unknown> -78 13 abenet
FA-8F-CA-34-30-0E Infra <unknown> -80 11 (Unnamed Network)
44-E9-DD-98-AB-26 Infra <unknown> -80 11 HomeBox-AB20_2.4G
BC-25-E0-BE-07-3C Infra <unknown> -78 2 HUAWEI-E5180-073D
00-1E-80-23-9F-71 Infra <unknown> -78 5 1441013
00-1E-80-21-1B-95 Infra <unknown> -74 1 04271195
56-64-D9-BB-AE-37 Infra <unknown> -70 11 Net Til Nasserøve
54-64-D9-BB-AE-36 Infra <unknown> -69 11 Hr og Fru Danmark
10-13-31-64-97-FF Infra <unknown> -56 6 NoCableSomeProblemOn2.4
12-13-31-64-97-08 Infra <unknown> -52 5180000 NoCableNoProblem5GHz
00-1E-80-27-0B-50 Infra <unknown> -85 11 1440604
54-64-D9-BB-AE-3A Infra <unknown> -74 5520000 HomeBox-AE30_5G
00-1E-80-21-1B-94 Infra <unknown> -72 1 04271195_2.4GHz
00-1E-80-1E-B5-C7 Infra <unknown> -86 1 04119186
Connection History
Information for Auto Configuration ID 2
List of visible networks: 0 item(s) total, 0 item(s) displayed
List of preferred networks: 0 item(s)
Information for Auto Configuration ID 1
List of visible networks: 14 item(s) total, 14 item(s) displayed
BSS Type PHY Security Signal(RSSI) Compatible SSID
Infra <unknown> Yes 5 Yes 1440604
Infra <unknown> No 25 Yes (Unnamed Network)
Infra <unknown> Yes 35 Yes HomeBox-AB20_2.4G
Infra <unknown> Yes 45 Yes 1441013
Infra <unknown> Yes 50 Yes HomeBox-AE30_5G
Infra <unknown> Yes 55 Yes 04271195
Infra <unknown> Yes 95 Yes Net Til Nasserøve
Infra <unknown> Yes 95 Yes Hr og Fru Danmark
Infra <unknown> Yes 100 Yes NoCableSomeProblemOn2.4
Infra <unknown> Yes 100 Yes NoCableNoProblem5GHz
Infra <unknown> Yes 35 Yes HUAWEI-E5180-073D
Infra <unknown> Yes 65 Yes 04271195_2.4GHz
Infra <unknown> Yes 14 Yes 04119186
Infra <unknown> Yes 35 Yes abenet
List of preferred networks: 0 item(s)
Information for Connection ID 2
Connection started at: 2018-07-13 19:41:08-894
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Profile: Discovery connection
SSID: NoCableNoProblem5GHz
SSID length: 20
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Pre-Association and Association
Connectivity settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Security settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Profile matches network requirements: Success
Pre-association status: Success
Association status: Fail 0x00038002
Association reason code: 0x00000001
Information for Connection ID 1
Connection started at: 2018-07-13 19:41:08-877
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Profile: Discovery connection
SSID: NoCableNoProblem5GHz
SSID length: 20
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Pre-Association and Association
Connectivity settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): Yes
Security settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): Yes
Profile matches network requirements: Success
Pre-association status: Fail 0x00000000
Association status: Fail 0x00000000
Association reason code: 0x00000000
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:
For complete information about this session see the wireless connectivity information event.
Helper Class: Auto Configuration
Initialize status: Success
Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: f113b6a2-f8f2-4db0-bedf-8fccee73a855
Interface name: D-Link DWA-582 Wireless AC1200 Dual Band PCI Express Adapter
Interface type: Native Wi-Fi
Profile: Discovery connection
SSID: NoCableNoProblem5GHz
SSID length: 20
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Result of diagnosis: Problem found
Issue referred to: RNWF MSM Helper Class
Root cause:
Windows could not connect to "NoCableNoProblem5GHz"
You can try to connect again.
Repair option:
Resetting your wireless network adapter
This will disable and then enable the network adapter "Wi-Fi" on this computer.
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Details about wireless network adapter diagnosis:
For complete information about this session see the wireless connectivity information event.
Helper Class: Native Wi-Fi MSM
Initialize status: Success
Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: f113b6a2-f8f2-4db0-bedf-8fccee73a855
Interface name: D-Link DWA-582 Wireless AC1200 Dual Band PCI Express Adapter
Interface type: Native Wi-Fi
Profile: Discovery connection
SSID: NoCableNoProblem5GHz
SSID length: 20
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Result of diagnosis: Problem found
Root cause:
Wireless association to "NoCableNoProblem5GHz" failed for an unknown reason
Detailed root cause:
802.11 connection failed due to status code 1: unspecified failure
Repair option:
Try connecting to "NoCableNoProblem5GHz" again
If the problem continues, try resetting the access point, or contact the network administrator or your hardware manufacturer for further assistance.
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---The Network Diagnostics Framework has completed the diagnosis phase of operation. The following repair option was offered:
Helper Class Name: RNWF MSM Helper Class
Root Cause: Wireless association to "NoCableNoProblem5GHz" failed for an unknown reason
Root Cause Guid: {5c92e4e9-4699-418c-9db6-82d57dcbf59f}
Repair option: Try connecting to "NoCableNoProblem5GHz" again
If the problem continues, try resetting the access point, or contact the network administrator or your hardware manufacturer for further assistance.
RepairGuid: {b56fdaca-62e3-43ef-8110-bc3e71360b84}
Seconds required for repair: 300
Security context required for repair: 0
Interface: Wi-Fi ({f113b6a2-f8f2-4db0-bedf-8fccee73a855})
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---The Network Diagnostics Framework has completed the diagnosis phase of operation. The following repair option was offered:
Helper Class Name: RNWF MSM Helper Class
Root Cause: Wireless association to "NoCableNoProblem5GHz" failed for an unknown reason
Root Cause Guid: {5c92e4e9-4699-418c-9db6-82d57dcbf59f}
Repair option: Resetting your wireless network adapter
This will disable and then enable the network adapter "Wi-Fi" on this computer.
RepairGuid: {07d37f7b-fa5e-4443-bda7-ab107b29afb9}
Seconds required for repair: 300
Security context required for repair: 80
Interface: Wi-Fi ({f113b6a2-f8f2-4db0-bedf-8fccee73a855})
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---WLAN Extensibility Module has stopped.
Module Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Rtlihvs.dll
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---WLAN Extensibility Module has successfully started.
Module Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Rtlihvs.dll
--- End code ---
Also regarding the last 2 error messages a quick search on google say that and I quote "This issue may occur due to corrupted or incompatible drivers, missing updates or due to incorrect network connection settings."
I live in Europe, my SSIDs are: NoCableSomeProblem2.4 and NoCableNoProblem5GHz.
Any other details can be provided.
I recommend that you phone contact your regional D-Link support office and ask for help and information regarding this.
Link> Tech Support Contact Information
We find that phone contact has better immediate results over using email.
Let us know how it goes please.
I called them, with no results ending with the solution to return the item, however I couldn't as I've lost the receipt, sooo... back to square one...
I've kinda managed to fix it, it still does the connecting/reset from time to time(since I've posted it 2 days ago it did it 2 times) as it looks like when the signal is weak or fails to exchange info with the router it kinda "panics, rolls on the floor, gets a hearth attack and Windows comes and does a CPR on it"..
My "solution" was to:
1.Completely delete everything and anything related to d-link,
2.Unplug the card from the PCIe slot
3. Restart normally(at least once without the card),
4. Download the drivers(USB Tethering from Phone as a suggestion if you have no other way to download them again)
5. Install the drivers,
6. Restart the PC
7. plug the PCIe card,
8. Start the PC
9. Device Manager-> Update Driver -> "I have a disk/file ....." and use the driver files provided inside 1.02B download for my windows ( Win10 x64).
Let us know if it happens again...
What is the Mfr and model # of the main host router?
How is the router set up for wifi?
Distance from the PC to the router?
3-5 meters with 2 doors to pass through to get to the Router, the signal is at max
It's a technicolor tg799vac xtream branded by my ISP
It's setup to run on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz
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