Ok, online today:
My ISP speed test results: Windows 7x64 IE11
Last Result:
Download Speed: 114441 kbps (14305.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 3370 kbps (421.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 8 ms
Jitter: 5 ms
2/17/2016 5:08:25 PM


I'll need to see if I can figure out BufferBloat.

I wish dslreports would let you pic a server. I believe some maybe busier than others so may be giving false speed results.

Any ideas of getting the BufferBloat from F and D to B and A? Seems to be happening when testing the UP. Been trying to set SQM Download and Up speeds however not sure if anything is working. Hitting over 400ms+ on the UP and it's red. Which interface do I set? I see that ETH0.2 is connected to my ISP modem. Should I set it here or on BR-LAN for LAN?