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Author Topic: ** DGL-5500 Special Application Rules Implement for multiple Gaming Systems **  (Read 11456 times)


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I have a question on setting up Special Applications Rules for DGL-5500, this feature is Extremely useful tool menu in setting up specific ports for  requesting same XBOX ports & the opening NAT ports for Multiple XBOX ONE Systems in 1  house. Is there a future firmware update to implement this useful tool in gamer routers, this feature is in the DIR-857 model I use to have, as well as the DGL-4500 i had in the past that made the routers perform very effectively, I was surprised the Gaming Router did not have this.

Thank You
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 01:17:26 PM by FurryNutz »


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  • Link>What Firmware version is currently loaded? Found on the routers web page under status.
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The applications Rules feature was not implemented on the 5500 due to the new StreamBoost Feature that D-Link and Qualcomm developed.

Even on the 4500 and 857 routers, when using multiple consoles, we found that using global port configuration was all that was needed:
DIR-857 Gaming and Gamefuel for XBL
DGL-4500 Gaming and Gamefuel for XBL
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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I have latest 1.13 firmware
I am in REGION 1 (So. CA ,USA)
i was just hoping for more adjustablity & option, i believe some ppl liked having the Special Applications to have a little more control over network ports designated to certain devices on their network.
I was also curious if a future Firmware Update will include IPv6 since this is the future IP protocol that networks will lean towards in the future?

Oh one Last thing I have Verizon FiOS 75/75 , but the Streamboost, the Test Bandwith or Auto Band Estimation fails & says test failed check network , i can only test speed on broadband  sites such as Speed Easy, Speedtest.

Thank You for the reply =)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 09:50:05 AM by ROGUExJEDI »


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Understand your concerns about the DGL-5500. With SB, there were hoping, I presume to let SB handle any Special Application needs as I believe it was mainly be a go to for any client application and connections and would have automatically made any necessary adjustments for them on some level.

Unfortunately Qualcomm being the main developer for SB and ABE failed to fully test and maintain there development for SB thus it failed for users and this model router. Which is unfortunate and the concept seemed good and we all had high hopes for the follow on to the DGL-4500 since it was a great router and still is. So it's unfortunate that the DGL-5500 will probably not see any more FW updates as it's now gone into EOL from what I'm told and unless there is a major security flaw found, there wont be any more updates for added features like IPv6.

I personally don't use the 5500 any more and does work ok turned into a wired AP. With everyone's experiences with this model router and how it turned out, we won't be bothered if you choose to find something else. Please don't take this models as being D-Links experience on there entire router line. The DGL-5500 was a one off product that need more development time before going to market IMO which blame for this can be laid squarely at Qualcomms feet. Other D-Link routers like the DIR series have fine QoS engines and do work well for general internet and gaming. I have several. So please give the DIR series a try and review them should you like to change models. I wish I could recommend the 5500 as being a good router however my personal experience along with others can attest too, it's just not worth it. I wish things had been different and we worked hard with D-Link to correct and test issues at hand for the 5500, it just wasn't a good end game.

Let me know if you'd like a different router suggestion.
I may try loading 3rd party FW on my 5500:

Also for multiple gaming consoles and OPEN NAT:
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 07:08:41 AM by FurryNutz »
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.