OK I managed to get the router up and connected to it with my computer.
Now how can I set up so each users device(phone,computer and or xbox) would require a login that would give them internet access but not be able to change router settings etc. ( as long as I can still have parental control)
Also can you give me simple instruction as to how I would set up so the xbox would have no access from Midnight to say 3PM and no access from 9pm to 11:59PM leaving access for xbox to be from 3:01PM to 8:59PM MON. thru Fri.
You asked what region I was in ...... Eastern time ( US & CANADA ) I think but the time shown here on the posts are 3HRs short of my actual time
Also I might have found the answer for the first part of this post. I set a password for administrator (that only I know) and I use the wi-fi security settings for the users.
Thanks in advance, Your help is greatly appreciated.