I'm try to use the usb port of our router to connect a 5tb seagate backup plus external harddrive. I know it's officially not supported beyond 1tb but I am getting places with it, but i'm not entirely sure I've done it correctly.
I basically turned the router off, hooked up the drive and then turned the router back on, logged into the router and went to storage/shareport manual setup/
Enable SharePort Web Access : on
HTTP Access Port : 8181
HTTPS Access Port : 4433
Allow Remote Access : on
you can see my settings
http://s44.photobucket.com/user/westwoodmemorials01/media/Troubleshooting/computer%20issues/5tb%20drive%20access_zpsckydy2f6.jpg.htmlfrom the above you can see the router is not seeing the drive under the storage section. I was able to have the drive show up under windows7 explorer by following this previous thread:
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=50995.0and typing in \\,
the drive showed up as "usb_A2" share drive under windows explorer and I'm able to double click to the root of the 5tb drive. I'm able to create a new folder and delete folders, but am unable to copy/move files to and from the drive in windows7 explorer. windows reports Can't read from the source file or disk. Actually firefox reports it??
http://s44.photobucket.com/user/westwoodmemorials01/media/Troubleshooting/computer%20issues/5tb%20error_zpsj7qkwmdz.jpg.htmlThe only way I can add a file or delete it is through the web interface. By going to the web address listed at the bottom of the storage configuration page, I can access the drive, copy files to it, delete files, make a new folder. I don't really care about web access I need windows explorer access.
Any suggestions?
I'm running windows7 and 10 64bit machines, web access via mozilla. router: dir-826l firmware 1.06, hardware ver A1
There are about a dozen files on the drive, I've created a "test" folder in the root.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Seems like its so close but just not there.