- Link>What Firmware version is currently loaded? Found on the DNSs web page under status.
- What region are you located?
What Mfr and model is the main host router?
If you don't use any scheduling, does the shares remain?
EU region
Current NAS Firmware Version 1.01
Current Microprocessor Firmware Version 1.06
Firmware Date 09/05/2014
the official webpage for the 340l says there is a FW whit a newer date, "1.01b04 Firmware
07/01/2015 03:12:00" on the page, the file is
20141104" but its the same as mine, i can "Update it" but still says the version i metion above after the reboot.
Main host router? how does that make any difference? Technicolor TG784n v3
If you don't use any scheduling, does the shares remain? Nope, normal restart on webpage makes the share disappear.
When you shut down the DNS-340L are you unplugging the power as well?
No, it stays plugged, as mention above, simple restart make it disaper