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Author Topic: I think I Bricked my router  (Read 24645 times)


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I think I Bricked my router
« on: November 05, 2011, 11:59:22 AM »

I just tried upgrading my router and the upgrade failed. The dir-655 didn't reboot and after waiting 10 minutes I had to reboot the unit manually. Now when I go to the page it tells me I have:
Firmware Upgrade System
-------- Version
------Date 2009/12/07
File Path    
    NOTICE !!
If you upload the binary file to the wrong TARGET, the router may not work properly or even could not boot-up again."

When I try updating the firmware with the bin files I loaded from DLINK (yes I got the correct versions, I have a B1 rev) I get this message:
Firmware Upgrade

Incorrect hardware ID image, Please check !

    NOTICE !!
    Please select the correct image !


Do I have a brick or is there a firmware image I can download to fix this. I don't feel like doing the RMA thing since it is a pain in the rear but if I have too I will.

Any help would be appreciated.

I tried uploading the B1 firmware via TFTP -i PUT like was suggested in the forums here but I get a timeout.

The only reason I upgraded the firmware was so I can stop having random wireless crashes. I have had nothing but trouble with the router. I am on my 3rd one, I used to love Dlink but I think they will be going on my blacklist.

Desparately yours,


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 12:55:05 PM »

Have you tried hitting the reset button on the back of the router?


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 07:25:52 PM »

Yes I did a reset. I even tried the 30/30/30 (which is pointless but I had nothing to lose). To my understanding the reset only erases any config data and brings you back to factory defaults. It doesn't re-write the firmware per say. Either way, the reset didn't do anything for me.

This really sucks. I wish someone from Dlink would respond. All that is needed is the correct software to be loaded and everything will be ok, yet no where in these forums or in any FAQ do they talk about this.

Does anyone at D-Link read these boards or do they just leave their customers fend for themselves? I hope customer service reads this and responds.

Thanks for your help.

Hard Harry

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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2011, 09:43:32 PM »

No, just us users. :-) But the 30/30/30 should actually restore the firmware from ROM. The factory reset (just holding the button down) is what restores the factory config.

Method is pretty simple:
 Emergency Recovery Mode
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 08:27:31 AM by FurryNutz »


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2011, 01:42:26 AM »

The mods have told us in the past that the 30/30/30 has no effect on the D-Link Routers.


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2011, 04:19:46 AM »

I tried all of that, I even get to a webpage, the one that tells me to reload the firmware as stated in my original post. The problem is no matter what bin file I use it is not recognized by the router. Further reading and searches on the internet have lead me to conclude that the page I am seeing is part of the primary loader used by cisco before the dlink software is actually loaded.

Grrrr I wish I was able to talk to a tech or someone who has actually had this issue before and can send me the correct file or point me to it. I don't mean to berate anyone who has taken the time to respond to this message, it's just so frustrating I am about to take a hammer to the dang router and swear off Dlink all together.

I don't mind going out and buying a live chicken so I can sacrifice it to the Dlink gods if that helps. Keep the suggestions coming and thanks everyone for trying to help me through this.


No, just us users. :-) But the 30/30/30 should actually restore the firmware from ROM. The factory reset (just holding the button down) is what restores the factory config.

Method is pretty simple:
 Emergency Recovery Mode
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 08:27:07 AM by FurryNutz »


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2011, 10:35:45 AM »

Your going to need to call Dlink and ask for and RMA.

If the router expressed initially that the FW was not correct when you started this, did you try to force the update past that? I have see this message before and it to prevent any incorrect loading of a wrong FW version and will not allow the application of the .bin file. The router should have been operational at this point.

Can we ask why you were updating?
What HW version is this router?
What FW version did it have loaded before you tried to update?
Were you connected wired or wireless to the router when updating?
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2011, 01:58:51 PM »


firmware ver:2.00NA
h/w ver: B1

I tried the update because the wireless connection was flakey. When the wireless stopped, doing a soft reboot didn't work, had to do the hard reboot.

Always connected wired for updates.

Thanks for any info.


Your going to need to call Dlink and ask for and RMA.

If the router expressed initially that the FW was not correct when you started this, did you try to force the update past that? I have see this message before and it to prevent any incorrect loading of a wrong FW version and will not allow the application of the .bin file. The router should have been operational at this point.

Can we ask why you were updating?
What HW version is this router?
What FW version did it have loaded before you tried to update?
Were you connected wired or wireless to the router when updating?

Hard Harry

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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2011, 03:03:50 PM »

You upgraded via wireless? ::cringe:: I don't even download the firmware file via wireless. Its just too risky. And you wouldn't want to try just "any" file, you want to try the firmware made for the router. If you have tried other firmwares, and gotten partial loads, you have certainly bricked it by now. Hopefully it's under warranty and you can RMA it.


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2011, 04:09:40 PM »

I did the upgrade WIRED. As for files missing blocks.... wireless or wired doesn't make much of a difference as long you get the file, TCP/IP actually ensures you get all the blocks. Either way I don't want to argue about the virtues of wired vs wireless and how tcp blocks work.

I stated the reason I did the UPGRADE, or wanted to UPGRADE was because of the FLAKEY wireless on my router. The wireless connection on this Dlink just stopped working from time to time and the only way to get it working again was by power cycling the unit. That means one of two things, a computer in my network has a bad wifi adaptor which bugs out the dlink (unlikely but possible) or the dlink rf module is buggy (more likely). The fact that a soft reboot (reset from the menu not from power) did not restore the wireless means the hardware needed a firmer "nudge" to get it going again. What is most likely the cause of all of this is most likely faulty hardware but since I had nothing to lose I tried upgrading. I used the CORRECT bin file for the proper REV B, I even tried the EU ones because, like stated, I had nothing to lose. Alas the "webpage" the router shows me is nothing like the dlink firmware, it looks like loader code which means the dlink firmware shouldn't work on it. There must be another bin for loaders which is not on the dlink site or documented on the web. Since I do not have that "code" it is impossible to load the firmware.

I have read most of all the useful messages here in the forum. I talked to some people in the wrt forums as well and they have pretty much come to the same conclusion that I have, my dlink is toast and I need to RMA it.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply. Too bad none of your suggestions worked :(

Be safe,

p.s. I really wish someone from Dlink would read my first post and tell me if that was loader code. If they could actually send me the proper bin I wouldn't need to rma and lose both my time and that of some tech's over at dlink.



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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2011, 04:55:03 PM »

Your wireless problems were not HW related to the router and probably need  to do some trouble shooting. OH well, too late for that. FW don't usually cure wireless problems unless they are stated by Dlink. Wireless problems occur for other reasons, not to to faulty FW. Most routers work well right out of the box. All FW here is working good as others have done updates and have not experienced this issue. I would presume that there was a possible interruption while sending the .bin file down or something happened during the update on your end.

I would contact Dlink and see if you can get an RMA on your unit. Good luck.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 05:01:52 PM by FurryNutz »
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2011, 10:46:35 AM »

Yup, I really don't think it is FW as well but I had nothing to lose. I still truely believe the problem was HW since the wireless couldn't be fixed by a soft reset. Either way all of this is moot right now :)

I always hate upgrading anything FW cause you never know...

Thanks once again for all the insight and hopefully we will meet again as cats.



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Re: I think I Bricked my router
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2020, 02:42:56 AM »

I know this is very old now, but if it can help anyone...

I had his same issue, and same error,

I simply renamed the downloaded dlink  .bin file to

and it finally took it!!  I tried the same file with other names and had the hardware error.

Hope this can help someone else!