I'm having an issue with the two cell phones in my house losing connection randomly. One cell phone is the HTC One running on the 5GHz band with a router setting to run "802.11ac only." The other cell is an iPhone 5 running on the 2.4GHz band with a router setting to run "802.11n only." Essentially I'll be using the HTC and all of a sudden no matter what app I'm using it will lose all data connection even though the WiFi is still enabled. To fix the issue I just have to turn either phones WiFi off and then turn it back on to quickly restore connection. Neither phone is using any power saving feature that would cause the phones to disconnect WiFi when idle either. This issue can happen again within 2-24 hours of resetting the phones WiFi so at least once or more a day.
I have other wireless devices such as a wireless 802.11ac media bridge that connects to my PS3 and two laptops that do not seem to have this issue. I also had a Netgear WNDR4500 prior to the DGL-5500 and did not have these connection issues. Is anyone else noticing this problem with any of their wireless devices or cell phones in particular?