Well my boy has been having to reboot the router every time his xbox one reconnects and i think that is the only 5ghz capable device. I did disabled that but he hasn't tried it since so I'll update that aspect when i know. Now looking though and having a basic understanding of wireless and technology having been educated as an electronic technician my router appears to be logging what i feel is very unique activities, no?
May 28 20:56:55 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set client ID (len 14)
May 28 20:56:55 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set server ID (len 10)
May 28 20:56:55 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set DNS (len 32)
May 28 20:56:55 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set domain search list (len 14)
May 28 20:56:55 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: server6_send: transmit reply to fe80::4f7:1e9b:a61f:e8ee
May 29 01:40:34 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 01:55:34 dlinkrouter user.info ncc[122]: [ltSystemActivity]Connect DHCP Server Success, Current Wan IP address:
May 29 01:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
May 29 01:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 01:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 01:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 01:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 01:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver 2001:1970:c06e:c0::93#53
May 29 01:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver 2001:1970:c06e:c0::94#53
May 29 02:01:01 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 02:08:34 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: ia_timo: IA timeout for NA-185487489, state=ACTIVE
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_reset_timer: reset a timer on eth2.2, state=RENEW, timeo=0, retrans=9269
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set client ID (len 10)
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set server ID (len 14)
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyout_option: set IA address
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyout_option: set identity association
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set elapsed time (len 2)
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set option request (len

May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set opt_20 (len 0)
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option client ID, len 10
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: DUID: 00:03:00:01:c0:a0:bb:e5:81:eb
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option server ID, len 14
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: DUID: 00:01:00:01:20:5d:66:70:00:50:56:a4:da:d0
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option identity association, len 40
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: IA_NA: ID=185487489, T1=21600, T2=34560
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyin_option: get DHCP option IA address, len 24
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyin_option: IA_NA address: 2001:1970:4000:d4:1f8:1ab:6962:3e05 pltime=43200 vltime=86400
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.info syslog: copyin_option: send IA_NA address to ncc2001:1970:4000:d4:1f8:1ab:6962:3e05 pltime=43200 vltime=86400
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option opt_20, len 0
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.info syslog: dhcp6_get_options: unknown or unexpected DHCP6 option opt_20, len 0
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option authentication, len 28
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: proto: reconfig, alg: HMAC-MD5, RDM: mono counter, RD: 90b4 322b 20b2 4200
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: reconfig type: 1, offset: 96
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option DNS, len 64
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option domain search list, len 14
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: get_ia: update an IA: NA-185487489
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: update_address: update an address 2001:1970:4000:d4:1f8:1ab:6962:3e05 pltime=43200, vltime=86400
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: client6_script: script "/bin/dhcp6c-script" terminated
May 29 02:56:51 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_remove_event: removing an event on eth2.2, state=RENEW
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: ia_timo: IA timeout for PD-185487489, state=ACTIVE
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_reset_timer: reset a timer on eth2.2, state=RENEW, timeo=0, retrans=9759
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set client ID (len 10)
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set server ID (len 14)
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set elapsed time (len 2)
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set option request (len

May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyout_option: set IA_PD prefix
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyout_option: set IA_PD
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copy_option: set opt_20 (len 0)
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option client ID, len 10
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: DUID: 00:03:00:01:c0:a0:bb:e5:81:eb
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option server ID, len 14
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: DUID: 00:01:00:01:20:5d:66:70:00:50:56:a4:da:d0
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option IA_PD, len 41
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: IA_PD: ID=185487489, T1=21600, T2=34560
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyin_option: get DHCP option IA_PD prefix, len 25
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: copyin_option: IA_PD prefix: 2001:1970:5ca0:4900::/56 pltime=43200 vltime=86400
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option opt_20, len 0
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.info syslog: dhcp6_get_options: unknown or unexpected DHCP6 option opt_20, len 0
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option authentication, len 28
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: proto: reconfig, alg: HMAC-MD5, RDM: mono counter, RD: 0800 0000 20b2 4200
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: reconfig type: 1, offset: 97
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option DNS, len 64
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_get_options: get DHCP option domain search list, len 14
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: get_ia: update an IA: PD-185487489
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: update_prefix: update a prefix 2001:1970:5ca0:4900::/56 pltime=43200, vltime=86400
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: client6_script: script "/bin/dhcp6c-script" terminated
May 29 02:56:54 dlinkrouter user.debug syslog: dhcp6_remove_event: removing an event on eth2.2, state=RENEW
May 29 03:24:34 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 03:57:37 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 04:56:34 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 05:17:02 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 05:33:37 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 05:56:34 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 07:24:34 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network
May 29 07:55:35 dlinkrouter user.info ncc[122]: [ltSystemActivity]Connect DHCP Server Success, Current Wan IP address:
May 29 07:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
May 29 07:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 07:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 07:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 07:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver
May 29 07:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver 2001:1970:c06e:c0::93#53
May 29 07:55:42 dlinkrouter daemon.info dnsmasq[4343]: using nameserver 2001:1970:c06e:c0::94#53
May 29 07:57:37 dlinkrouter user.info Wireless[119]: 98:5f:d3:18:53:cb new Client is connected to network