I did the upgrade WIRED. As for files missing blocks.... wireless or wired doesn't make much of a difference as long you get the file, TCP/IP actually ensures you get all the blocks. Either way I don't want to argue about the virtues of wired vs wireless and how tcp blocks work.
I stated the reason I did the UPGRADE, or wanted to UPGRADE was because of the FLAKEY wireless on my router. The wireless connection on this Dlink just stopped working from time to time and the only way to get it working again was by power cycling the unit. That means one of two things, a computer in my network has a bad wifi adaptor which bugs out the dlink (unlikely but possible) or the dlink rf module is buggy (more likely). The fact that a soft reboot (reset from the menu not from power) did not restore the wireless means the hardware needed a firmer "nudge" to get it going again. What is most likely the cause of all of this is most likely faulty hardware but since I had nothing to lose I tried upgrading. I used the CORRECT bin file for the proper REV B, I even tried the EU ones because, like stated, I had nothing to lose. Alas the "webpage" the router shows me is nothing like the dlink firmware, it looks like loader code which means the dlink firmware shouldn't work on it. There must be another bin for loaders which is not on the dlink site or documented on the web. Since I do not have that "code" it is impossible to load the firmware.
I have read most of all the useful messages here in the forum. I talked to some people in the wrt forums as well and they have pretty much come to the same conclusion that I have, my dlink is toast and I need to RMA it.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply. Too bad none of your suggestions worked

Be safe,
p.s. I really wish someone from Dlink would read my first post and tell me if that was loader code. If they could actually send me the proper bin I wouldn't need to rma and lose both my time and that of some tech's over at dlink.