Yes, I had a DIR-655 A-4. Today at lunch time here on this forum, reading through all my posts from day one (so I could figure out when I bought the DIR-825 so I can get the receipt for D-Links management), the wireless on the DIR-655 kept rebooting. I tried all of the fixes for it, but none worked. I then returned it for a replacement DIR-655 A-4, but that router had the same problems too, endless reboots when a wireless client was connected, so I returned it to Newegg and they charged me a 20% re-stocking charge for wanting my money back(for a router that rebooted regularly when you used WiFi). The only reseller I could find local only had DIR-655 A-4s, but the B-1 was said to fix the rebooting problem, I could not find one for the life of me and no mail order houses would even confirm they had a DIR-655 B-1.
It appears I posted in the DIR-825 forum asking if they had any problems like the re-booting when a wireless client was connected and they did not. So needing a router ASAP, I went and purchased the DIR-825 from Office Depot for a premium. That is when testing the Wifi on the DIR-825 I realized I had about half the range of the DIR-655 A-4, so enter the 1Watt A/P and happiness, sort of.
Funny, but reading my posts before you came along, it seems I had a lot of problems with the DIR-825, then one day I was fighting a firmware install that would not complete, I did the 30/30/30 thing and it has been working great ever since. The reason I did not return the DIR-825 is because Office Depot would only do an exchange, not a refund after I ran into a myriad of problems with it too(inside the 30 day return period, maybe the store manager knew something I did NOT?). I guess in the end I am glad I had to stick around because they finally fixed most of the problems. And it was a great little router for a little less then a year after I added the 1Watt A/P and disabled the WiFi in the DIR-825, but even 18 months ago when I purchased the DIR-825 I was asking about IPV6 stability.
I seen a post off of this site with a lady you were talking with a few months back, she said she really did NOT want to change the DIR-825 because she had been through the ringer with all the problems on the DIR-825 and now that it finally was stable she did not want a NEW router to go through all the nightmares again. That is my feeling 100%, I just want the silly thing to work and not all of the headaches with the stupid firmware upgrades and being an unpaid Beta tester for 18 months. If it was not for my background I would just swallow what they tell everyone else, IT IS MY EQUIPMENT or setup, bad cable, wrong WiFi adapter, bad NIC. Reading back to one guy that went over to DSL REPORTS and posted over there after Lycan banned him for aggressively posting repair requests on the DGL-4500 forum and also questioning why problem reports were being deleted, he took the same route as me but he would only accept a refund, him and his friends got it but it took like 60 days and he had to play a lot of games with the same people I am dealing with. There is no need for that but it seems to be the NEW way, "we will fix it after you buy it!"
I guess I found a business model, make routers here in the US that work from day 1, out of the box, it seems no one else can. Reading the threads today was like a nightmare flashback. 1. Make sure you disable DST, 2. Turn off QOS, 3. Stand on your head until your ears turn red, 4. Put it on a shelf for a year while they debug the firmware, 5. PRAY it will only take a year!

But the DIR-825 fits the business model for Asian manufactures, abandon the last rev for the newest and leave the problems behind every 18 months. I don't think that will ever catch on here, no matter how hard they try! Too bad, a little more work and the DIR-825 could be a legendary product!