And if it includes the work you do then thats between Dlink and your work. I wold suggest that if your working in a place that frowns upon sharing any IP information that you keep it at work. It doesn't belong here and I would hate to see anyone get into trouble at work for it. I know all about NDAs and IP.
That Sir is what we call a thinly veiled threat, would you like to talk to my Supervisor, Director or the Office of the Inspector General for my service? What would you tell them? That I said in a private message I speced a handful of switches and I was now concerned about their quality because I have caught the manufacturer making misleading statements? Or I post from work and you logged a public IP? Ha! Your a funny guy!

I have a copy of the rule book (my postings from work are FULLY within legal protocol for my position, I just went through that YEARLY training LAST WEEK and I do have a lunch hour and take breaks and have a PERSONAL OPINION), furthermore, my supervisor reads my posts often(take a look at the hit counter for this thread, I am not checking it by the minute for your attempt at a witty response, so someone else is reading it too). He likes the fact that I am getting my feet wet with a new layer, being IPV6. He also likes the fact that I have a stomach for posting on live forums, he says they usually de-generate into a mess when one person does not like what the other is saying, is this the case here? Don't even play work games, a lot of people get involved because someone got their feelings hurt. This is NOT like playing games with your employer or your mate, this would be of epic proportions and you will be at the center, not me(I already have hard copies to cover myself).
Looking a little closer, you have proabally never have held a position of authority except here, because if you had you would know that is NOT how you deal with a situation like this or a person like me, now wouldn't ya?
Thank you for giving me your thoughts on the Apple router. I was not making a comparison, they use Marvell chipsets(you know a little about them don't you?

) and the Ver. 5 has Broadcom radios, but they are NOT at all forthcoming about IPV6 features, that is what I wanted to know. I will go post those questions in the Apple forums. Even after reading the manual, Apple is not forthcoming about advanced IPV6 functions. I want to see software page screen shots to VERIFY the vendors claims this time.
Furry, can you provide any information on the specs on the new Dir-825 C-1? It was conveyed by a real Product Manager for D-Link to Packet Tracer that it has a SPI firewall on IPV6 plus a host of other IPV6 features that I find exciting, it even has external antennas! He even received screen shots but they are in German, my German is weak, I would love to see an English version, do you know any product managers that could provide this information? I could provide an E-mail address if you don't already have mine for such info. I do have the contact info for the head guy in the states, but that seems like it would be a waste of his time. Can ya provide it, Please, please, wink wink?
The Dir-857 is a nice piece of hardware, if it where in a DIR-825 package, here is my credit card number! It has not been reviewed by any major review sites and it is getting mixed reviews in non D-Link controlled forums(the firmware will catch up). The fact that it has USB 3.0 rocks, out of all my friends I am the only one that even has USB 3.0 on my desktop, and I use it pretty close to the fullest, it is now finally a toss up between Firewire 400 and USB(not Firewire 800 though), it only took a decade, similar to the whole SCSI fiasco.
Now back to the Dir-825 C-1, the reason I am interested in this hardware, the initial specs I have seen leaked shows it is a continuation on of a router I like very much, just a few weeks back I was telling you how much I like this hardware before the whole IPV6 firewall thing broke loose,
but security is needed for the GENERAL POPULATION, THAT IS THE POINT, I have an advanced firewall I have purchased and installed and have not posted it public, just needed to talk to my security buds at work. The reasoning behind the C-1 vs the DIR-857, most of the bugs have been worked out in the 2 previous releases, the fact that it proabally won't have USB 3.0 is a downside, but I am very interested in advanced routing features on the IPV6 layer of the DIR-825 C-1. Please share any info on the router you have.
You wanted to move this from the Euro side to this side. You wanted us to contact our local offices and take this up with them. You wanted us to express our feelings and concerns so D-link could see them here. We did and we are sharing our responses from a European user to a North American user waiting for replies from D-Link management and sharing information as it is trickled out by D-Link(and doing a little prodding to get an answer, from my side too so we don't duplicate efforts). Why is it we can get a trickle of info from the Euro side and NOTHING but YOUR opinion from this side, I honestly am no longer interested in you SKEWED OPINION, FACTS PLEASE. Packet Tracer got info from the Euro side and shared it, which I consider to be some good stuff (Dir-825 REV. C-1). How about some info from this side besides trying to discourage us? This is not personal in the slightest way. But going out and switching out my router now only to only get an firmware update in 45 days, that is a total waste of money. Unlike you and your mate, I have a Wife and family to support, purchases are strategic unlike when I was single and had every new wizz bang item and a pile of firearms(my other hobby) that money could buy. I have to make financial decisions ahead of time, you have clearly stated you have no IPV6 need, my ISP provides it, FREE. No tunnel brokers or setup nightmares. If you are only going to discourage and not be proactive, don't bother. Packet Tracer and myself have technical issues, you do not have the knowledge to fix it and clearly don't have the same technical issues or the resources to get answers. It is actually come to the point, even if you did come up with answers I would question their origin. Since you don't even have IPV6 experience, could you go find us someone that does PLEASE?
I wish I could speak German fluently, at least THEY get real answers!
Man, like a infamous LA resident said, "can't we JUST get along" even despite differences in opinion.
Internet speed through a DIR-825 with one kid streaming 1080P and the other on X-box live playing games:
