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Author Topic: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!  (Read 123647 times)


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #135 on: July 31, 2009, 09:50:28 AM »

Yeah that is correct. We won't release official code unless it's been tried out here on the forums then we just make that official. Even though this firmware is not 100% stable it is better than 1.20 and we all know how terrible 1.20 is  :'(


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #136 on: July 31, 2009, 01:11:56 PM »

Have the devs found any reason as to why the 1.20 firmware caused such problems? (and they actually continued to 1.21 for the HW A1 units)


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #137 on: July 31, 2009, 01:54:53 PM »

I do feel as if the developers are getting extremely lazy.  I own several D-Link Routers, all with the same problems.  And the firmwares change logs are exactly the same across all of them.  Maybe a few changes here and there, but mostly the same.  It's disappointing to see it like this, because if you notice, they ALL exhibit the same problems.


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #138 on: August 01, 2009, 01:09:37 AM »

Lazy i will agree with you -_-. they have over 10 firmware release and yet no fix -_- d link you should really stop trying to fix something that is broken start from scratch and remake the while firmware -_- wasting my time! i don't have much time before my limited warranty runs out and i am left with a junk i am at 1.02 and i get problems not as bad as the people on the forums but bad enough to make me come here into these forums and waste my time that i could be fragging some noobs on call of duty i can't do pros no more they lough at my lag! lol i lough at my lag  :'(  I am running a a1 unit longest time its been up is 24 days. people recommend me to slam it a bit maybe that will solve all my issues. Lag is no longer an excuse what! it sure is an excuse my isp is optimum its decent enough to frag you Ru-Fi-Oh and lycan!  ;D
« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 01:13:37 AM by Master860 »
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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #139 on: August 01, 2009, 03:10:31 AM »

I would guess Dlink had some kind of a licensing issue with the Ubicom part of their firmware (why we can't go back...no longer licensed) and/or an unexpected turnover in their software development staff. 

Net result is trying to reinvent the wheel with an associated learning curve. 

They are making progress, just wish it could be a little faster.  They have been working at it for over a year now, but I believe they will eventually solve the remaining problems.



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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #140 on: August 01, 2009, 11:41:26 PM »

I would guess Dlink had some kind of a licensing issue with the Ubicom part of their firmware (why we can't go back...no longer licensed) and/or an unexpected turnover in their software development staff. 

Net result is trying to reinvent the wheel with an associated learning curve. 

They are making progress, just wish it could be a little faster.  They have been working at it for over a year now, but I believe they will eventually solve the remaining problems.

I wish some people knew what they were talking about before they posted.  It's not a licensing issue, period.  We simply cannot get the firmware rolled back due to the significant change in the code.  HUGE fixes, and even an updated OS for the firmware.  That's why.  It has absolutely NOTHING to do with licensing. 


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #141 on: August 02, 2009, 01:11:05 AM »

Sorry to disapoint you reinvented, but it doesnt matter how many changes were made in the new firmware there is no technical reason you cannot roll it back.  The reloaded firmware (older or newer) will simply overwrite all those massive changes. 

It is not a technical reason they prevent it, its a business decision.l



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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #142 on: August 02, 2009, 10:00:11 AM »

Sorry to disapoint you reinvented, but it doesnt matter how many changes were made in the new firmware there is no technical reason you cannot roll it back.  The reloaded firmware (older or newer) will simply overwrite all those massive changes. 

It is not a technical reason they prevent it, its a business decision.l

Wow man, please just stop talking out of your ass.  It wasn't even a business decision either.  Get your facts straight.  There were so many more vulnerabilities with the older firmware.  This whole firmware debacle STARTED with 1.10.  But since you seem to know so much about coding how about YOU give it a shot then, and tell them how they should be able to just roll it right back to previous decisions. 


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #143 on: August 02, 2009, 10:49:45 AM »

Wow man, please just stop talking out of your ass.  It wasn't even a business decision either.  Get your facts straight.  There were so many more vulnerabilities with the older firmware.  This whole firmware debacle STARTED with 1.10.  But since you seem to know so much about coding how about YOU give it a shot then, and tell them how they should be able to just roll it right back to previous decisions. 

Why are past firmware still up for download (1.02, 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 1.20) if they contain so many vulnerabilities?
You seem to be someone who works for D-Link that can give an answer to this question.

You’re taking the whole roll back talk to literally. People would like to use a f/w that worked for them in the past as oppose to the ones not working for them now.

They can re-do (which would probably take time) the old code to be done over whatever is currently in the h/w.
This may shock you but some of us have written software code for hardware before. Of course everything is not done the same, but to think others may not know of what is said is really un-called for on your part.


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #144 on: August 02, 2009, 08:06:31 PM »

I do know what to say to that myself why do they still offer all the old vulnerable fimwares for download i mean when i did my routers firmware i did them one at a time cause i'm constantly looking for updates and i mean other than packet loss being high on wireless everything else seems to be working going to check my total uptime on the router right now...

and its still rebooting its self it seems on a daily basis for me 4 hours ago and then course my rotuers date being a day behind what the interface give me


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #145 on: August 02, 2009, 08:17:36 PM »

Wow man, please just stop talking out of your ass.  It wasn't even a business decision either.  Get your facts straight.  There were so many more vulnerabilities with the older firmware.  This whole firmware debacle STARTED with 1.10.  But since you seem to know so much about coding how about YOU give it a shot then, and tell them how they should be able to just roll it right back to previous decisions. 

They already know how to roll the firmware back, they just won't allow it.

Reinvented your demonstrated technical prowess illustrated by your many posts in this forum is impressive especially considering you are an accountant and not a technical professional. 

I am a graduate engineer with many years experience in both engineering and engineering management positions with a major aerospace company responsible for developing many systems similar to and incredibly more complex than the DGL-4500.  I do know how these things work, both from a technical and management perspective.  Suggest you stop the flaming unless you have something positive to add.

That said, the current v1.21 is clearly the best of the bunch from 1.10 to 1.20 and I don't feel the need to roll back anymore.  If they really blow it out of the water, I still have my spare shrink wraped DGL-4500 with v1.02 to falll back on.

As I stated in my earlier post, Dlink has made good progress with v1.21 and I believe they will eventually resolve the remaining issues.


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #146 on: August 02, 2009, 10:49:49 PM »

The only reason I can see why there might not be able to roll back is because they changed the way the firmware updater works.

Technically, if it stores the uploaded firmware in memory and flashes the old firmware - it should be downgrade-able. At the end, its the code. So they must have changed some code dealing with the upgrading/flashing of the firmware, more so the installation of the firmware than installation.

Obviously, I could be very wrong.

P.S. I managed to get my unit replaced without proof of purchase, since I went to the RMA location and gave in the unit manually and etc. So far HW v2 is running well except for the fact that it has an amazingly annoying high pitched sound which I am SO hoping will somehow disappear, if not, hopefully I can get this unit replaced.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 10:59:08 PM by AaronDM »


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #147 on: August 02, 2009, 11:07:04 PM »

I am still having issues.  The router at times seems to lock up completely - all connectivity to anything just disappears.

I have just enabled DNS relay, and have rebooted the router and cleared the statistics after reboot.  Now, my stats are as follows:

(I tried to upload a Screenshot but it would not allow me to....)

LAN Statistics
Sent : 13472 .
TX Packets Dropped : 0 .
Collisions : 0 .
 Received : 10558 .
RX Packets Dropped : 0 .
Errors : 0 .
WAN Statistics
Sent : 7463 .
TX Packets Dropped : 0 .
Collisions : 0 .
 Received : 35102 .
RX Packets Dropped : 0 .
Errors : 0 .
Wireless Statistics
Sent : 87 .
TX Packets Dropped : 0 .
 Received : 0 .
RX Packets Dropped : 0 .
Errors : 0 .

I'll keep monitoring.

I downloaded the official release 121NA - is this in any way different from 121NAb02?  If not then I'll stick with what is installed, as I don't want the hassle of setting everything up again, although I noticed that the changelogs are different (less info in the official release).


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Re: Firmware Beta 1.21b02 Beta 1 feedback and comments!
« Reply #148 on: August 03, 2009, 08:42:19 AM »

I wish some people knew what they were talking about before they posted.  It's not a licensing issue, period.  We simply cannot get the firmware rolled back due to the significant change in the code.  HUGE fixes, and even an updated OS for the firmware.  That's why.  It has absolutely NOTHING to do with licensing.  

Reinvented. You may want to check that angle out for yourself. There's more to it then you may know. ;)

As for the rest of you, I'm locking this thread. It's become useless to the OP and is way off topic.


UPDATE: Any issues seen in v1.20 and v1.21 builds have been fixed and are in v1.22 and v1.23 which is the last build for this model router. It works best on Rev A2s
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 02:34:33 PM by FurryNutz »
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