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Author Topic: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread  (Read 54552 times)


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2009, 10:32:24 PM »

Thanks for your insight Reinvented, your posts in this forum are appreciated.  However regarding your 'not downgradeable' theory, I understand that its BETA and use at your own risk.  However I don't see what that has to do with disallowing a downgrade.  For example, with all my Nvidia and ATI graphics cards I am able to try BETA software at will and if it isn't quite ready for prime time to downgrade to the previous WHQL version. 

My intent for asking the question was to find out if their is a technical (hardware) reason you can't downgrade or if it is purely a choice by D-Link.  I can't think of a technical reason but if their is one I would really like to know what it is.  If it is a choice by D-Link well I guess its their choice to make.  Thanks.


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2009, 06:05:14 AM »

And @Anon: The 4500 isn't even remotely like the DIR-655.  If anything, it's more like the 825. 

...Oh, really?


I tried both the dir-655 and dgl-4500 with both performing pretty much the same.

On the issue of not being able to downgrade, it seems to be on the people who makes the chips for dlink. It does seem strange to make a beta available to the public they can’t downgrade from. One guess I have is since a version of this beta has already been released on 3 other similar routers (2 still in beta), a final release is probably due soon.

Well, at least they’re putting out new f/w…


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2009, 08:33:22 AM »

I still wonder why I can't downgrade to 1.02 :)


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2009, 08:35:10 AM »

Lycan has already answered this question about not being able to downgrade.. Instead of repeating what he said i will post the link here.



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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2009, 03:06:48 AM »

I had ordered a new router, and waited until I got it before trying to load the 1.20 firmware.

I had tried 1.12, 1.15 and 1.16 previously.

1.12 - allowed me to actually change my settings, but under heavier load the LAN ethernet port would just stop working after a while.  I would have to unplug and replug in the ethernet jack or stop and start the interface on the system.

1.15 - once I had the initial configuration in place, any change would cause the router to reboot.  This was very bad considering I had NTP enabled and my router was rebooting constantly until I did a hard reset.

1.16 - allowed me to change the configuration but I kept getting dropped calls on my UMS (voip), even with no network load on the system.

I just loaded 1.20 last night, and so far it hasn't crashed on me.  I'm able to change my configuration without the system rebooting.  I've had a torrent download in excess of 1.4MB/s (yes that's megabytes) without my VPN or UMS dropping.  I've gotten some spikes while playing XBL, but I'm not sure whether that was due to the opponent or my connection.  It wasn't happening often and only for select opponents.

With 1.20 I don't see TX Packets Dropped on LAN like previous firmwares.

I use QoS/Gamefuel for VOIP, XBL and Nortel VPN client.  I have port forwarding setup.  I don't use DNS relay, I have 2 caching nameservers local to LAN that I use instead.  I don't have wireless enabled (I have another router doing that).  I do still continue seeing the local loop spam due to the FIOS set top boxes broadcasting UDP.  It would be nice if the router could consider 169.254.1.X to be ignorable and not log it.

One thing I did differently this time was the 30/30/30 reset.  I had never even heard of this method of reset previously, and it took a little googling for a clear explaination of exactly when to hold down the reset button, and whether you need to hold it when pulling the power plug and powering the system on.  I honestly don't know if this reset fixed my issues or the firmware or both.

I'm going to wait a few days, I've got 30 days to return the other router.  Hopefully this fixes the issues Iv'e been having.


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2009, 07:49:30 AM »

I could be wrong but it seemed like beta 1.20NA installed differently than past f/w.


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2009, 08:16:02 AM »

Yes.. So far this firmware appears to be good. I finally got to test it last night. Streaming movies to my xbox 360 and DSM-520. Played a couple games online without a hiccup. Port forwarding rules work. I set up DyneDNS and can access my ftp server from home, RDP, and remote manage. So far so good.

BTW Reinvented.. Thanks for starting this thread!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 08:20:11 AM by Ru-Fi-Oh »


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2009, 10:20:58 AM »

I've noticed that I've had some very poor wireless performance, when it comes to downloading on both 1.16 and 1.20. Speedtests show fine and all, and that works correctly.  However, for example when I download something from let's say Nvidia.com, it cannot top more than 390 KB/sec.  However, 1.15 was fine in this regard, which is what I used prior to 1.20.  "G" still does the same thing.  And I can be sitting about 5 feet away, and it will cause it to do the same exact thing.  It will start out strong, and then completely die. 

Can anyone else confirm this?  Maybe this is the reason why the wireless has so many errors, and what not.  But, wired works completely fine, but "N" completely bombs out, and cannot download.  So, please...more fixes for wireless!


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2009, 01:49:04 PM »

I haven't noticed any wireless download issues but I will double check to see once I get home.


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2009, 03:18:23 PM »

First real issue with any firmware with 1.20. Seems that my router keeps disconnecting and losing my internet connection. Have to do a physical reset of the router.
Not liking this beta firmware at all


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2009, 04:05:40 PM »

First real issue with any firmware with 1.20. Seems that my router keeps disconnecting and losing my internet connection. Have to do a physical reset of the router.
Not liking this beta firmware at all

I've had the same thing, but I disregarded it.  I have had a couple times where WAN and LAN both die, and it times out.  WLAN dies out too.  Normally if I reset my adapter it will start working again.  I'm not sure what causes it though.


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2009, 06:13:22 PM »

This is the first fw that I've used where no lan errors have been generated.  Usually I'll have a few by now but none so far.  My internet access seems to be faster with this fw than with the other post 1.02 stuff I've used.  So far I'm happy with this since I've not experienced any problems yet.


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2009, 11:33:44 PM »

Am I really doing work outside of work!?!  ;D  11pm PST anyways... I'm doing this for the people, just reporting my feedback  ;) Like I said, I was going to test out wireless earlier in this thread so here's the run down.

unfortunately only wireless laptops I have in house are 2 macbooks (wireless), 1 desktop pc (wired), DSM-520's(wireless) and xbox 360 bridged through a DAP-1522 (Wireless).

No problems streaming videos from multiple media players simultaneously
No problems playing games on xbox live
No problems downloading wireless

Initial test: Test download speeds wireless
Results: 30MB file downloaded at 1.6MB a second

I have not tested a larger file yet. Besides anything over 500GB I prefer to do over wired connection, but I will still give it a try. I'll use sendbigfile.net and upload a 1GB file then download it wirelessly... Not tonight though I'm getting kinda tired  :-\

Screen shots:

Thank you and good night!  :-*

p.s. Be back at work in a few hours  :P to bad I don't get paid OT for this  ::) ah well.. Again.. I'm doing it for the people!!

« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 11:38:42 PM by Ru-Fi-Oh »


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2009, 01:08:06 AM »

Yeah...I can't attach a screenshot here.  But, my downloads will absolutely not peak above 340 KB/sec from Nvidia, over wireless, and when my MBP is 3-5 feet away.  Further away, it's even worse.  My connection is fine via wired, but holy crap...wireless is a whole different thing.  Again, I had this problem on 1.16 and 1.20.  1.15 worked fine...not sure what it was.


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Re: 1.20 Beta Firmware Feedback Thread
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2009, 08:39:12 AM »

I'm pretty sure you have your wireless configured properly. But I would like to know how you have it set up. Are your wireless drivers up to date?

How big is the file you're trying to download? Can you post me a link? Have you tried others sites and experienced the same speeds?

I'm going to try and get me another 4500 with older firmware and compare it to the one I have set up at home.
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