I have been using my free-time to arrange my up-stairs room arrangement to make better space for my 32" Sony CRT and old consoles. At the same time I made adjustment to my second computer there, installed the X3660 wireless controller there (my daughter didn't use it, so I transferred it to my second computer). And though I'd try the Xbone remote play feature again. I had it working earlier, though was limited to high-quality setting (Wireless 868L AC, very high hitched). Anyway, that was ok as they mostly say High is the one to use with even 5GHz AC-wireless. Well, for some reason now when I try to connect, it instantly loses the connection to Xbone. I can run tests and it says that even Very High-setting is ok. But when I connect, it quickly flashes "Connected" and instantly after that loses the connection.
On my second comp I have TP-Link Archer T4U V1 wireless AC1200 adapter (though it's plugged to USB 2-connection as the machine doesn't have USB 3) and Xbone is connected with wire through switch to 890L.
I tested the remote connection on my main comp too (connected with wire to the 890L) and there it worked flawlessly (I must also say, tested PS4's remote connection too and it's quite terrible, comparing to Xbone's remote connection quality... Difference is like night and day!)
So, I take it that the problem is in the wireless part... Reading about Microsoft's instructions, they say one shouldn't be using only one name for wireless SSID and I'm not actually in so much need to get the remote play working on up-stairs, that I would go through the hassle to deactivate SC and assign networks manually, because everything else seems to be working flawlessly...
I just thought, if you would have any insight, as I have seen that you have been using and testing Xbones...