On the german FTP, the 1.23b06 EU is available: ftp://ftp.dlink.de/dir/dir-855/driver_software/DIR-855_fw_reva_123EUb06_ALL_multi_20101224.zip
The changelog says:
1. Support for DWM-156 H/W Rev.A3
2. Add Oops! Page
We finally have the Oops! Page, you can finally stop mailing support about it.....

Anyway here are the internal build numbers:
Firmware Date: 2010/12/24
ipVersion(Date): 7.6.1b0183 (2010, Dec 10)
ipOS SDK Version: 7.6.3 P (1134)
Still hoping for a possible new firmware with IPv6 support, anyway, build 06 of 1.23 will do for now.