Well, this is weird, and I don't know if it's OK or not. I again set the modem to bridge mode, but through a different dialog box, and this time I got a message telling me to set my computer IP to and reboot. So, I logged into the router, but I couldn't see a way to change the external IP from what the DHCP had assigned earlier ( to a new static address. Just guessing, I hit the DHCP release button which zeroed out most everything, then DHCP renew. It renewed with the external IP address of the modem, and the modem's DNS server. I don't know if this is OK or not, but my internet connection works and my ports are no longer being blocked. The only problem is that now I cannot access the modem. However, as everything seems to be working, I don't need to. Are there any security or other reasons I shouldn't just go with this?