LAN at home setting
1. Router with DDNS setup and port forward (important part) and Firewall turn off
2. NAS DNS-320 FTP Server Setting as recommend in the manual
3. IP Camera DCS-942L, DCS-5030L install within home LAN. They can send clip, snapshot wtih ftp to NAS (internal ip address
4. My kid will transfer to a student apartment and I want to install Dlink ip camera WIFI in his room and ftp clip, snapshot back to our NAS DNS 320 (act like a cloud storage)
4.1 In order to let ip camera at student apartment ftp back to homa NAS, not only DDNS need to be provided in a router , two Port forwards must be added for an external FTP services
- FTP internal port 21/21 external 21/21
- FTP internal port 55536/55663 external 55536/55663 which is important to make a complete external FTP support
5. Please note that this external FTP service run in a passive mode because IP camera did not provide SSL mode and NAS DNS320 Certificate has been expired.