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Author Topic: Can't get into router to change setting.  (Read 89774 times)


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Can't get into router to change setting.
« on: March 02, 2011, 09:11:09 PM »

I can't get into my router, to change config setting.
The power supply failed.  Brought a new power supply. Everything thing seen to work fine but can't load the router page for admin, seen like it got corrupted when power supply failed. Try to reset the router but still have the same problem.  Anybody know away to force a firmware to be reload onto the router.

That my only problem.  I can connect two computer to it and they will be able to see each other. Wifi and LAN still work. but for wifi it is in unsecured mode.  I have no way to change it, since I can't access the router config setting.

Any words of advice or help, will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2011, 06:53:35 AM »

What browser are you using? Make sure you clear the browsers cache too.
Try a different browser like Opera or FireFox. You don't have to use IE to manage the router.

Make sure your LAN address settings are set for auto obtain IP address in the PC networking properties.
Make sure the PC is getting an IP address from the router if it's still working. It should be a 192.168.0.something number, there should be a subnet mask and a gateway IP address as well.
Let us know.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 07:03:25 AM by FurryNutz »
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2011, 08:53:12 PM »

yea, I'm getting an ip address from the router
but when I enter the router IP in internet explorer, i get 200 200 OK Server:UbiCEL   Content-Lenght:11362  on the first line while waiting a good amount of time, it load the user and password part but the top image is missing.  When i wait for it to actually finish loading a window pop up stating:
Not all of the needed components have been loaded, this page will refresh.
And I must click OK. and I will wait again and it will continue this loop. Since the router been reset, when I clicked on Login, I get this window and it states:
The network connection seems to be down. Press "OK" to try again.
so it just a big loop.

I also try it in firefox and I get a window stating:
You have chosen to open "blank" which is a: application/octet-stream from:
What should Firefox do with this file?
Open with  (Browse....)
Save File
so, i don't know what to do at this point.

I also try safari and get the same event as internet explorer


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2011, 06:53:27 AM »

Hmm..and your directly connected to the router over a wired cable right? Make sure the cable is good?

Seems like this is reproducible over different browsers. What OS platform are you using? Windows or Mac or Linux? Any PC firewall or anti virus software running?

Do you have access to another computer that you can try?

If we could get to the routers page and logged in, Id say reload FW or update however seems like we can get that far. Makes me wonder when the 1st power supply went down, wonder if it effected the router too. Hope not. How long have you had the router? Might check on RMA.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 09:41:54 AM by FurryNutz »
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2011, 10:52:23 AM »

yea, I'm directly connect to router and the cable is good.
My laptop have windows 7 64bit which i did the series of browsers test. McAfee Internet Security Suite is enable and seen like McAfee is in control of window firewall.
I also have a desktop computer with window XP pro 32bit and I get the same symptoms as the laptop with avira antivirus software and with window firewall enable.
I had the router for several years now, so warranty is over.

Yea that what I'm thinking also that when the power supply fail, it affecting the fireware/software in the router somehow.

Been thinking if there a way to force a firmware to be reloaded into the router without logging in.

maybe if i have the link of the firmware http where you could upload the firmware, maybe I can trip the fireware to be uploaded without logging in.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2011, 10:58:08 AM »

And if you disable all of the Firewall and AV software does the same thing?

You sure you got the same power adapter as the original one? To be sure the volts and output are the same.

I know that some of the DIR routers have a recovery mode that if you hold down the reset button for 45-60seconds they enter this mode and you can FTP and send down FW. I'm not sure the DGLs do this. I think tried on my 4500 and all it did was just reset the router.

Well, could ask DLink and see what they say. Might not cost much to have them take a look at it if you really want this router fixed. Could find anther of the of the same. It's a shame that this has happend. I would call DLink and ask. Might try one of the moderators on here too and see what they recommend.
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2011, 08:48:59 PM »

Yea, i got the same power supply as the original.
From what I read this router doesn't have a recovery mode like the DIR router.
After reading the Login Page as a source view. Could Adobe Flash v10.2.152.32 and Shockwave v11.5.9.620 have a effect on the Login Page.
I came to this conclusion because of what I saw in the source view.  (This is really long.)  I'm not sure what it mean, but I think I understand it a little and what it trying to do.  Have any idea?  Also, when I compare this to to emulator for the DGL4300 Firmware 1.9.  This is the biggest different I see with each other.
<!-- === BEGIN MASTHEAD === -->

               <!-- XHTML 1.0-compliant code to deploy flash movie -->
               <!-- If you are seeing a textarea-like box, you have a corrupt Flash Player ActiveX control. Try installing the latest and greatest -->
               <!-- The VBScript will only run in IE for Windows. Other browsers will ignore the mime-type text/vbscript -->
               <!-- Note that the script tags are XHTML-compliant. -->
               <script language="vbscript" type="text/vbscript">
                  //check for Flash Player X
                  //script for IE on Win32 systems
                  on error resume next
                  //set a variable to hold the detection result
                  Dim checkForFlash6
                  //assign a boolean value
                  checkForFlash6 = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6")))
                  //note here that if the object is demoted to ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.5 or less, checkForFlash6 will still return true
                  //this is ok as Flash Player 6 can run previous version content.
                  //change 6 to 7 and you will see the alternate content (if 7 is not installed).
                  //check that Shockwave Flash Plugin 6 is available
                  //if false display alternate content, if true show object tag
                  //quotes need to be doubled in vbscript in order for IE to render them in markup.
                  //codebase attribute removed from object tag; make sure Flash file has same base URI as current document.
                  if checkForFlash6 = true then
                     document.write("<object data=""swf_masthead.swf"" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash"" width=""836"" height=""120""><param name=""movie"" value=""swf_masthead.swf"" /><param name=""menu"" value=""false"" /><param name=""quality"" value=""high"" /><param name=""bgcolor"" value=""#ededed"" /><" & Chr(47) & "object>")
                     document.write("<img src=""img_masthead.jpg"" width=""836"" height=""120"" alt=""Masthead"" />")
                  end if
               <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
               //check for Flash Player X
               //check the navigator.plugins array exists, IE for Windows will fail on this.
                  //some variables
                  //a counter
                  var i;
                  //codebase attribute removed from object tag; make sure Flash file has same base URI as current document.
                  var xhtmlContent = "<object data=\"swf_masthead.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"836\" height=\"120\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"swf_masthead.swf\" /><param name=\"menu\" value=\"false\" /><param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" /><param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#ededed\" /><\/object>";
                  var alternateContent = "<img src=\"img_masthead.jpg\" width=\"836\" height=\"120\" alt=\"Masthead\" />";
                  //loop through all the plugins installed
                  for (i=0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++)
                           //put the plugin string in a variable
                           var pluginIdent = navigator.plugins.description.split(" ");
                           //The Flash Player identification string is ([] = the array index)
  • Shockwave [1]Flash [2]6.0 [3]r21

                           //if less than Flash Player 6 is detected, run this code.
                           if(pluginIdent[0] == "Shockwave" && pluginIdent[1] == "Flash")
                              //set a toggle to show that some sort of Flash Player (of versions 1-5) was found
                              var isSwfEnabled = true;
                              //an array of the Flash version number (major.minor)
                              var versionArray = pluginIdent[2].split(".");
                              if(versionArray[0] < 6)
                                    //show alternate content
                                    //Flash Player 6 or greater has been found, roll out the <object> tag.
                           //need to break this loop as some browsers may have two versions installed
                           //eg my Firebird release has r65 and r79 installed!
                           }//end if pluginIdent
                  }//end for
                  //check if no Shockwave Flash was detected in the array (no Flash Player installed)
                  }//end if
                  <img src="img_masthead.jpg" width="836" height="120" alt="Masthead" />

               <!-- === END MASTHEAD === -->

Seen like it having trouble detecting Flash or Shockwave of the version I'm using.  Guess I will try finding a older version of them and see what effect it have.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2011, 10:40:43 PM »

Try a different PC and or different web browser like Opera. Any chance you know some one with a Mac? Linux and see if they exhibit the same. If so then I would presume that the router needs to be RMAd.
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2013, 12:35:53 PM »

I know this topic is 2 years old but Just to FYI everyone  From VIsta up it will give you the error if you use XP to access the router, you will do fine.  If you get the error in XP then something else.


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Re: Can't get into router to change setting.
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2013, 02:28:29 PM »

What browser are you using?
Try Opera or FF? If IE 8 or 9, set compatibility mode and test again?

I know this topic is 2 years old but Just to FYI everyone  From VIsta up it will give you the error if you use XP to access the router, you will do fine.  If you get the error in XP then something else.
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.