Yea, i got the same power supply as the original.
From what I read this router doesn't have a recovery mode like the DIR router.
After reading the Login Page as a source view. Could Adobe Flash v10.2.152.32 and Shockwave v11.5.9.620 have a effect on the Login Page.
I came to this conclusion because of what I saw in the source view. (This is really long.) I'm not sure what it mean, but I think I understand it a little and what it trying to do. Have any idea? Also, when I compare this to to emulator for the DGL4300 Firmware 1.9. This is the biggest different I see with each other.
<!-- === BEGIN MASTHEAD === -->
<!-- XHTML 1.0-compliant code to deploy flash movie -->
<!-- If you are seeing a textarea-like box, you have a corrupt Flash Player ActiveX control. Try installing the latest and greatest -->
<!-- The VBScript will only run in IE for Windows. Other browsers will ignore the mime-type text/vbscript -->
<!-- Note that the script tags are XHTML-compliant. -->
<script language="vbscript" type="text/vbscript">
//check for Flash Player X
//script for IE on Win32 systems
on error resume next
//set a variable to hold the detection result
Dim checkForFlash6
//assign a boolean value
checkForFlash6 = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6")))
//note here that if the object is demoted to ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.5 or less, checkForFlash6 will still return true
//this is ok as Flash Player 6 can run previous version content.
//change 6 to 7 and you will see the alternate content (if 7 is not installed).
//check that Shockwave Flash Plugin 6 is available
//if false display alternate content, if true show object tag
//quotes need to be doubled in vbscript in order for IE to render them in markup.
//codebase attribute removed from object tag; make sure Flash file has same base URI as current document.
if checkForFlash6 = true then
document.write("<object data=""swf_masthead.swf"" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash"" width=""836"" height=""120""><param name=""movie"" value=""swf_masthead.swf"" /><param name=""menu"" value=""false"" /><param name=""quality"" value=""high"" /><param name=""bgcolor"" value=""#ededed"" /><" & Chr(47) & "object>")
document.write("<img src=""img_masthead.jpg"" width=""836"" height=""120"" alt=""Masthead"" />")
end if
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
//check for Flash Player X
//check the navigator.plugins array exists, IE for Windows will fail on this.
//some variables
//a counter
var i;
//codebase attribute removed from object tag; make sure Flash file has same base URI as current document.
var xhtmlContent = "<object data=\"swf_masthead.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"836\" height=\"120\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"swf_masthead.swf\" /><param name=\"menu\" value=\"false\" /><param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" /><param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#ededed\" /><\/object>";
var alternateContent = "<img src=\"img_masthead.jpg\" width=\"836\" height=\"120\" alt=\"Masthead\" />";
//loop through all the plugins installed
for (i=0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++)
//put the plugin string in a variable
var pluginIdent = navigator.plugins
.description.split(" ");
//The Flash Player identification string is ([] = the array index) - Shockwave [1]Flash [2]6.0 [3]r21
//if less than Flash Player 6 is detected, run this code.
if(pluginIdent[0] == "Shockwave" && pluginIdent[1] == "Flash")
//set a toggle to show that some sort of Flash Player (of versions 1-5) was found
var isSwfEnabled = true;
//an array of the Flash version number (major.minor)
var versionArray = pluginIdent[2].split(".");
if(versionArray[0] < 6)
//show alternate content
//Flash Player 6 or greater has been found, roll out the <object> tag.
//need to break this loop as some browsers may have two versions installed
//eg my Firebird release has r65 and r79 installed!
}//end if pluginIdent
}//end for
//check if no Shockwave Flash was detected in the array (no Flash Player installed)
}//end if
<img src="img_masthead.jpg" width="836" height="120" alt="Masthead" />
<!-- === END MASTHEAD === -->
Seen like it having trouble detecting Flash or Shockwave of the version I'm using. Guess I will try finding a older version of them and see what effect it have.