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Author Topic: DCS-5029L (RevA) - Firmware v1.15.05 Released  (Read 17489 times)


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DCS-5029L (RevA) - Firmware v1.15.05 Released
« on: July 18, 2019, 02:44:40 PM »

Firmware - http://legacyfiles.us.dlink.com/DCS-5029L/REVA/FIRMWARE/DCS-5029L_REVA_FIRMWARE_1.15.05.zip

Problems Resolved:
1. Updated mydlink agent to v2.1.0-b54
2. Update D-Link digital signature
3. Fixed WPA2 vulnerability (KRACK)
4. Support XSS v2.0
5. Support digest authentication for Web UI (Cannot support basic authentication for Web UI)



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Re: DCS-5029L (RevA) - Firmware v1.15.05 Released
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2019, 06:28:42 AM »

I use the URL CGI commands for enabling/disabling video motion and PIR on my Dlink camera, so does this new firmware change or remove these URL CGI commands at all?

Also, will you ever add the URL CGI command to enable/disable privacy mode like there is in the older DCS5222L Rev A camera? It seems that none of your newer Dlink camera's that I've bought included the URL CGI command for privacy mode toggling. The privacy mode URL CGI command should be in all of the Dlink cameras since it would be the best feature for integration with many home security systems in order to set the Dlink cameras to home mode (privacy on), and stay or away modes (privacy off).