Future users shouldn't have any issuesA DCS-5029L Camera user discovers his LEDs do not turn off completely when commanded to do so. So, he looks at is camera to find out the firmware version. He finds it is version 1.14.02. Then he goes to the D-Link website and learns that the latest version is 1.14.02. He now incorrectly assumes he has the latest version of the firmware on his camera. So, now he is contacting D-Link support, asking questions on these forums, leaving bad reviews on Amazon and going through unnecessary frustration because someone didn't number the latest version of the firmware 1.14.03.
In 1961 Vice Pres. Johnson met with Wernher Von Braun concerning sending a man to the moon. The Vice Pres. asked Von Braun if America could beat the Russians to the moon, Von Braun responding to the vice president that we could beat the Russians to the moon. Johnson replied saying that the Russians had German engineers. Von Braun then said to Vice Pres. Johnson, "Yes, but OUR German engineers are better than their German engineers".
FurryNutz, I'm really not trying to be petty, I'm German, and I cannot help it.