Ok, let us know if you can get it working. Ya seems like NVRAM is hosed. You might check the WRT forums, I believe I saw someone over there that had a similar issue on either a 868L or 880L a while back.
I wish D-Link offered after warranty repair services for some of there routers. 
Bought a serial adapter and got into the CFE command window. The router is reporting error : “Invalid boot block on the disk”. Tried “nvram erase && reboot” didn’t help. Also tried using tftp flash officials firmware and dd-wrt firmware. Officials firmware give same “invalid boot block” error after reboot, dd-wrt firmware will hang after reboot. What in notice is this router has 4 different set of flashes: flash0.*, flash1.*, nflash0.*, nflash1.*
CFE> show devices
Device Name Description
------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
uart0 NS16550 UART at 0x18000300
uart1 NS16550 UART at 0x18000400
flash0 ST Compatible Serial flash size 4096KB
flash0.boot ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00000000 size 256KB
flash0.trx ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00040000 size 1KB
flash0.os ST Compatible Serial flash offset 0004001C size 3776KB
flash0.nvram ST Compatible Serial flash offset 003F0000 size 64KB
flash1.boot ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00000000 size 256KB
flash1.trx ST Compatible Serial flash offset 00040000 size 3776KB
flash1.nvram ST Compatible Serial flash offset 003F0000 size 64KB
nflash0.trx AMD NAND flash offset 0 size 1KB
nflash0.os AMD NAND flash offset 1C size 131072KB
nflash1.trx AMD NAND flash offset 0 size 32768KB
nflash1.brcmnand AMD NAND flash offset 2000000 size 98304KB
eth0 Broadcom BCM47XX 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller
*** command status = 0
The tftp flash method I have tried are: (my tftpd runs on, 115-firm.bin is the file name of the firmware I used for flashing)
flash -noheader flash0.trx
flash -noheader flash1.trx
flash -noheader nflash0.trx
flash -noheader nflash1.trx
They all reported programming completed successfully with status 0.
But after reboot, the router still complains “invalid boot block”.
Hope someone have more experience with JTAG can help provide some suggestions.