I'm tried using DIR-825/842/860L as my main router.
and they all went to the same problem which causes my internet connection lost after couple of days or even hours.
Need to reboot the device the turn back everything well onlined.
So any recommend stabled routers?
I have 15 AP devices connected.
20~50 Client users (PC+MOBILE)
and some IPCamera device to port forwarding.
Will the DIR-855L or DIR-890L be a stable router?
wich one is better? or I just change to other brand?
I have a netgear FVS366GV3 this one is stable router because it got schedule reboot, I set it to reboot every 12hrs.
but the only problem of this router is their UTM firewall causes my ISP internet speed limit in below 30% wich netgear commited can't resolve this on their ProSafe line ups. wich my original internet speed is 100Mbps down/Upload speed only gets 30Mbps below and also the port forwarding problem not user friendly.