Hi there,
This are the steps
Step 1: Place the DAP-15XX near your router.
Step 2: Plug the power into your DAP-15XX.
Step 3: Push the WPS button to activate the connection process.
Note: WPS button is located on the side of the DAP-15XX.
Step 4: Within 120 seconds press the WPS button on the back or side of your router in order to link them together.
Step 5: Once linked, you may unplug the DAP-15XX and place it in the desired location you wish to use it.
Step 6: Power up the DAP-15XX and connect the device/devices you wish to use with the DAP-15XX.
Or either you can work at this way
Step 1: Log into the router and click on the Advanced tab.
Step 2: Click on the WIFI-Protected Setup on the left.
Step 3: Click on Add Wireless Device Wizard located at the bottom of the screen.
Step 4: Select Auto on the configuration method. Click next.
Step 5: Select PIN and enter the PIN generated by the WPS capable Wireless client. Click on connect.
Step 6: Start WPS on the wireless client device you are adding to your wireless network. The timer will be set at this time as the router tries to connect to the wireless client.