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Author Topic: DNS-320/325 - Remote Backups (NAS to NAS, NAS to Linux)  (Read 28419 times)


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DNS-320/325 - Remote Backups (NAS to NAS, NAS to Linux)
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:59:06 PM »

This procedure describes how to configure and perform NAS to NAS and NAS to Linux remote backups on the DNS-320 and DNS-325. Remote NAS to NAS is possible using two DNS ShareCenter devices, both of which have RSYNC.


  • Log into the DNS-320 or DNS-325 web interface
  • Navigate to Application > Remote Backups > Server
  • Enable Remote Backup Service
  • Navigate to Application > Remote Backups > Remote Backups
  • Click Create to launch the Backup wizard
  • Welcome Window displays a summary of the wizard steps
  • Service Type Window
    • NAS to NAS backup from the local NAS to a remote NAS or vice versa
    • NAS to Linux backup from the local NAS to a Linux file system or vice versa
    • Local to Remote sets the backup source as the local NAS and the target destination for the backup files as the remote NAS or Linux file system
    • Remote To Local sets the backup source as the remote NAS or Linux file system and the target destination for the backup files as the local NAS
  • Local Settings Window
    • Task (Name) the name used to refer to the backup job which will be listed later in the Remote Backup list
    • Folder Path used to Select a local network share folder or file as the target or source for the backup job
  • Remote Settings Window
    • Remote IP the backup process uses Rsync protocol and needs to know the IP address of the destination source or target device for the backup. Input the IP of the remote NAS or Linux file system
    • Enable Encryption checking this box will enable SSH encryption of the files that are transferred (backed up) over the network between the local and remote devices
    • Ignore existing file(s) checking this box prevents the backup process from writing over any files in the target file system that are not part of the backup files or folders. Therefore any existing files in the target
      system are preserved
    • Incremental backup support Num (#) checking this box provides multiple backup-capability at scheduled times. The first backup in an incremental series captures all the files for backup. Subsequent backups are incremental in that only the files and the folders that have changed in the backup source since the last incremental backup will need to be backed up. Each incremental backup builds a complete snapshot of the backup source however only the initial backup contains all the original files and folders. The subsequent backups in the incremental series contain new files and folders plus the links to the first incremental backup
    • Remote Path using the drop-down menu, select the file system (folder) path to the remote target or source system for backup.
  • Schedule Settings Window
    • Manual check either Yes or No selection below to start the backup (yes) immediately on completion of the wizard or (no) manually start the backup from the Remote Backup list
    • Once select this option to run the Remote Backup once at a specific date and time set
    • Scheduled elect this option to set the backup to occur daily, weekly, or monthly per a specific schedule
  • Finished Window
    • Click on Finish if you are satisfied with all the settings of the Backup job
      created. Otherwise click on the Previous button to go back and make
      changes. Alternatively click on Exit to end the configuration without
      adding a Remote Backup job
  • Remote Backups List Window
    • Task the name of the Remote Backup job.
    • Schedule when the Remote Backup job will execute
    • Status current status which can be
      • Ready the remote backup job is ready to be executed
      • Finished the remote backup job has executed completely and successfully
      • Failed the remote backup jub was unsuccessful during execution
    • Enable/Disable if the button shows a red circle the remote backup job is enabled. Click the red button to disable the remote backup job and the button will change to a green triangle. Clicking the green triangle will enable the job again.
    • Backup Now click to execute the backup job immediately as long as the job is enabled.
    • Recovery click to write the backup files and folders back into the source file system from the backup target system (reverse the file direction).
    • Navigation Buttons use these buttons to move up and down in the list when there are multiple jobs configured.
    • Refresh Button click this button during a backup or recovery process to monitor the progress by updating the progress completed bar
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 06:09:13 AM by JavaLawyer »
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