I received my DIR-815 Rev A the other day from fleabay. Got it on the cheap. Figured I'd get one to see how it actually performs. I after looking at all the pictures, I visually thought the router was of normal or average big size, Comparable to the DIR-655 class. Wrong, it's smaller. Just a bit bigger than the DIR-601 series.

Pictures are deceiving.

Anyways, the Rev A came loaded with v1.00 shipping FW. I got it up and running and soon after I had it running, I noticed that WiFi on both radios was not connecting to the Internet. Devices were connecting to the radios, just zero Internet. Even with WPA disabled. Noticed that a couple of my DISH devices could not be added to the Reservation list. Kept saying "Invalid Host Name". So I went and upgraded to v1.04. Wifi Internet and Invalid Host Name was fixed. Got it all set up and running. Works great now. I wish they incorporated custom QoS rules though like on the DIR-815 Rev B and made the "admin" log in name static in the user box. Other than these features, router is working well.
At this time I have a AC class bridge connected to the 5Ghz radio and a Xbox SLim connected to the bridge. Gaming is great. OPEN NAT. I presume single gaming on XBL is ok for this router. Having 2 or more maybe problematic as we can't set up custom QoS rules. However, Application Triggering may be the configuration needed for multiple devices which this model router has.

Router is stable on v1.04 for users interested. Good router for a single gaming user or mom and pop home.
This thread will incorporate three model 8 series routers for the most current release of FW versions available.
DIR-815 Rev A FW v1.04 Offical Release:
Get it here> http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=55158.0
This will be updated as new verions of FW are released per model number.
Let us know how it works for you.