I thought I'd try to use my DIR-628 as an access point to my Netgear 7550 (Frontier/ATT) router modem. I followed the instructions on page 14 of the manual but when I try to see the device thru the Netgear it ain't there. When I try to see it while connected to the "programming" laptop, it has also disappeared.
The reason I'm trying to do this is I have more devices than I have ports. Should I continue to try to hook up the D-Link, which has served me most faithfully for years before we moved to the gawd-awful Frontier network? Should I bight the bullet and buy a separate switch or access point? Or should I remove the Netgear modem and set it to bridge mode and use my Westel 6100 DSL model & the faithful D-Link?
FuzzyNutz suggested this link but I found it to be of little of no use. http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=50738.0