I have a couple of DCS-5635.
I use the motion detection feature to email me a snapshot whenever motion detection is triggered.
my issue is the default email text that the snapshot sends out is containing a lot of info that I don't need, including the content in the subject line.
In the email body text I have:
"snapshhot mail content Camera Name DCS-5605 (2BFFE) IP address:
time: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm.ss
Event: email a snapshot image when Motion Detection is triggered.
Its complete useless information (at least for me). Most of the info is in the snapshot anyway (top left corner label in snapshot)
More annoying is that the email text is situated above the snapshot, so when viewing email on a smartphone, continuously scrolling is need every single time...
My question is therefore:
is there anyway to alter/delete the content of these snapshot texts/Layouts?
If so: where and how?
Thank you for your kind assistance..

PS: I have some DCS-7110 also: same issue here...