D-Link Wireless Adapters > DWA-131
Mac Catalina
I stupidly updated my Mac with Catalina. Now I can't install the driver for N300 Nano USB. I've seen a few suggestions online but I'd like to check here first. Is D-Link preparing an update? If not, what's my best option?
Until D-LInk comes up with a 10.15 OSX driver, you'll need to find a new wifi adapter that supports 10.15 or revert back to OSX 10.14.
Not really
We have support for all Dlink USB adapter for macOS Catalina here
Wireless USB Adapter https://github.com/chris1111/Wireless-USB-Adapter
For Hackintosh
Wireless USB Adapter Clover https://github.com/chris1111/Wireless-USB-Adapter-Clover
Working fine for my DWA-131 8)
Enjoy. ;)
I love D-Link product
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