D-Link Wireless Adapters > DWA-131
DWA-131 for Os X Yosemite Update 10.10.5 ???
I want to Update my Mac Os X to Version 10.10.5
Can I do this or do the DWA-131 Stick not work with this Version ? I saw that the Driver is already older and only say that it is until Os X 10.10
For Os X 10.10.4 it still worked, but i donīt want to risk that it dont work.
Has anyone Experience with DWA 131 and Os X 10.10.5 ???
Thx a lot
Are you using D-Links OEM driver?
Updating may continue to work with the driver since the update is for 10.10.x I'm still using 10.10.4. Has 10.10.5 been released yet?
What Mfr and model is the main host router?
What wireless modes are you using?
My adapter gets warm too when using it.
Hello Furry,
thx for your quick answer. :)
I am using the Rev. B of the DWA 131 and the driver is this: http://support.dlink.com/ProductInfo.aspx?m=DWA-131 The 2.3.2 Driver for Mac 04/09/15
Os X 10.10.5 has officially released yesterday and you should have an Update Sign on your App Store Symbol.
Not sure what you mean with Mfr!?
The router is from an Cable TV/Internet/Telephone Box that might not been used in the US.
I am not sure what you mean with Wireless modes ? If you mean if i use 2.4 or 5 GHz. I cant see it. Might be 2.4 GhZ and There is no other WLAN that uses the same channel.
I wanted to plug my Wireless Adapter into an external "plugin Box" , but my macbook pro do not notice it if it is not directly on the USB of the macbook
Mfr = Manufacturer
Modes = A, B, G or N modes on the main host router.
Plug in box? What is this?
I mean the place where i plug in my DWA 131 on the Macbook.
I try to find out the mode of the router. The internet is very slow now.
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