D-Link Systems, Inc., an industry leader in Internet of Things (“IoT”) and networking solutions, today issued the following statement regarding its resolution with the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) regarding FTC’s allegations about the security practices used for its products:
https://supportannouncement.us.dlink.com/announcement/publication.aspx?name=SAP10116Key terms of the settlement between D-Link Systems and the FTC announced today include the following:
- No finding of liability for any alleged violation.
- No finding of deceptive marketing statements or practices by D-Link Systems.
- No monetary payment requirement.
- D-Link Systems continues its current comprehensive software security program and can be granted a two-year Safe Harbor for successful security certifications
This settlement contrasts sharply with FTC’s other consent orders with IoT companies, which include very broad restrictions on what those companies may say about their products. Importantly, unlike other IoT matters in which FTC had alleged “deception,” today’s proposed order contains no such restrictions.