Hi. I just got a D-Link DIR-825 that comes with an USB connection. It uses SAMBA. I added the HD and I can access it using a PC just calling the IP of the router and the User/Pass.
I tried the MAC forum but no answer. I was wondering if someone here could help me.
On my MacBook Air, I can see the unit, but when I try to open it, it asks for credential and gives me the following error:

More details to help troubleshooting:
My OS Version

The Unit appears in the Network Location

I tried command k and any combination bellow

in either case, I get to the same You are Attempting.. message.

And get back to the original issue.

Again, it works fine on PC.
I read for hours searching for a solution, but nothing so far.
P. S. Keychain cleared.
Thanks in advance.