The Graveyard - Products No Longer Supported > DIR-825

Is it possible to reroute traffic with the 825? Manual DNS entry?


I'm setting up a small server at home and need to redirect traffic from my media devices to this server, such that if a device connects to, the router should instead send the traffic to I need to add a manual routing entry in the router but I am unable to find the correct place in the router settings. Would anyone know how I can add this entry please. TIA

I don't believe so. There is a static route feature however thats WAN to LAN. You need LAN to LAN and loopback support I believe, something that the router doesn't have I believe. Been a while.


--- Quote from: FurryNutz on December 03, 2021, 01:22:30 PM ---I don't believe so. There is a static route feature however thats WAN to LAN. You need LAN to LAN and loopback support I believe, something that the router doesn't have I believe. Been a while.

--- End quote ---

Bummer :-(. But appreciate the response @FurryNutz. Thank you


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