So this FAQ is for users that have upgraded to D-Links Security patch v1.20x or beyond. I found this is the
safest method to to get DD-WRT loaded on a D-Link router.
RequirementsWindows with IE11 or Mac with Safari 11 [
DO NOT USE CHROME!!!]. Linux based PC will not work. Please use MS or Apple based PC.
Previous version of D-Links Official Released FW file:
For DIR-868L
v1.12For DIR-880L
v1.07For DIR-890L
v1.11 (
Verified Working) or try
v1.09For DIR-895L
v1.13These files can be found here: directly LAN cable wired to the router. [
Disable any PC security software or browser add-ons temporarily.
3rd Party FirmwareThese files can be downloaded here: DD-WRT to the following folder path:
Downloads › betas › 2018Choose and select from the most current Dated build folder, i.e.
##-##-2017-r##### (
Verified Working on DIR-890L)
Navigate the build folder down to the desired Manufacturer and Router model and select it, i.e.
dlink-dir890lDownload both
factory-to-ddwrt.bin and
dir8##-webflash.bin files to your PC.
Downgrade from D-Link v1.20x FW - DIR-895L/890L Only!Download the the router to previous D-Links Official Released FW version build file for your model router from D-Links support site. Unpack the zip file.
Follow the Router Recovery process to prepare the PC and Router and send the previous version FW build file to the router using the recovery process:
Emergency Recovery ModeThe router should apply the previous version and come to the main log in screen. Verify that the older version of FW is now loaded.
Change the networking configuration that you did in the FW recovery process back from Static to Automatic on your PC.
DO NOT USE THE RECOVERY MODE TO APPLY 3rd party FW!!!] Or you risk bricking the router or damaging the recovery portion of the router.
Migrate to DD-WRT Firmware from D-Link Firmware- ALL DIR models Windows use IE 11 Browser for this process. Mac Safari browser process, change Safari's User Agent from default to use IE11 with in the Developer menu for Safari.
Open D-Links router web page at in the browser.
Navigate to the Firmware Update page.
Browse and navigate to where you downloaded the
factory-to-ddwrt.bin file. Select this file first. [
DO NOT SELECT THE webflash.bin!!!] Or you risk bricking the router or damaging the recovery portion of the router.
Select OK to upload the
factory-to-ddwrt.bin file. The router web page should display a firmware upgrade progress window.
After about 4-5 minutes, the
WHITE Power LED on the router will change to
ORANGE and should blink then stop blinking. If you still have the router plugged in to the ISP modem or service, the Internet globe should blink and go to a solid
WHITE LED. IF you don't have the Internet connected to the router, thats find. The Internet globe will be solid
Close the browser. At this stage, the router should be and will be converted to WRT and the default IP address will be changed to Check your PCs networking setting to be sure it's set for Automatic Obtain IP address.
Re-open the browser and type in and the new DD-WRT router web page should be displayed.
Set a new router password if asked. Make it simple here for now.
Navigate to the following location: Administration/Firmware Upgrade.
Navigate to the Browse and navigate to where you downloaded the
dir8##-webflash.bin file.
Select After flashing, reset to "
Reset to Defaults"
Select the
Upgrade button. Wait for the file to be sent and process. 5 minutes approx. After about 4-5 minutes, th
e WHITE Power LED on the router will change to
ORANGE and remain
ORANGE and should blink then stop blinking. If you still have the router plugged in to the ISP modem or service, the Internet globe should blink and go to a solid
WHITE LED. IF you don't have the Internet connected to the router, thats find. The Internet globe will be solid
Log into the DD-WRT web page at Give a new router password here, can be more complex this time.
The Status tab should look like this and is verfied using the above process:

Configure DD-WRT router for your needs. You can even change the default DD-WRT router IP address to if you like.
Any newer DD-WRT builds that are released on there site, just apply the
dir8##-webflash.bin file over the older build to update there firmware. The FactoryToWRT file is only needed once to covert from D-Link OEM firmware to DD-WRT firmware.
NOTE:All additional DD-WRT information, help, forums and support, please refer to there sites: does not offer support for 3rd party FW loaded on there routers!!!
If users want to migrate back to D-Link firmware from 3rd party firmware, please follow this process:
Emergency Recovery ModeHave the same prior official released version of firmware at the ready when you revert back to D-Link firmware.