Update: Back from the islands. I'd say camera behavior is pretty much confirmed now. We had a couple of ACTUAL (not experimental) power outages while there. I had the 2330L cameras set to boot at 10AM. First power outage was in afternoon and came on about 4PM. Remember the R6400 router/AP takes at least two minutes or more to come online following a power cycle. Did not see the cameras at all after power came back. I checked at about 10PM (6 hours after power was restored) and they were still not there. In the morning when I woke up they were all there! I'm guessing that the 2330Ls booted when the power came back on and, in their very short attention spans, did not see the router and immediately gave up. I'm assuming they have no battery backup for the real-time-clock so they probably initialize to midnight when power is restored. Since my reboot time was set for 10AM I'm guessing the cameras all rebooted about 10 hours after power was restored (while I was snoozing), found the LAN which had been back for about 10 hours, got synchronized to network time, and were then back online.
Based on this experience I've changed my arbitrary reboot time to 00:10 instead of 10:00 so that it will not take 10 hours to recover.
SECOND EXPERIENCE: Between the first actual power outage and the next I put my router/AP on a UPS system which holds it up for hours. We had a second actual power outage that lasted a couple of hours. The UPS held up the router for the entire time and the cameras came back online immediately. This was before I changed the reboot time to 10 minutes past midnight so the recovery was not due to the cameras new reboot schedule. Thus, as expected, the cameras connected immediately since the router was online when camera power was restored.
I've now been through about a week after leaving. Currently missing two out of three 2330L cameras that were there yesterday. Looks like the autoreboot is not absolute after all. Yes, the autoreboot seems to bring offline cameras back online but it also seems like it sometimes loses cameras on the reboot. This is not good. I'm expecting (hoping) that the two missing cameras will come back online when they reboot tonight. I'm now wondering if I should have implemented the remote control outlets after all. Remember that I was concerned they would suffer the same disease as these cameras in that they might not always stay online. Oh well, next visit is in November. Will need to wait until then to set up new experiment.
It's been several days now where the two missing cameras should have been rebooting every 24 hours and coming back online but they have not re-emerged. I don't know why they seemed to recover so well while I was on-site and, of course, they don't return now that I'm operating remotely. They are not reconnecting to the router like they did during the experimental period. While there I had assigned them static IP addresses per earlier recommendations. After I was back here I had read a posting that cameras might not reconnect if the access point changes the wifi channel. Makes sense given the connectivity problems these cameras have. I forgot to change the access point setting to lock the wifi channel down to a single channel. It is on AUTO mode. I wonder if that's what happened. Afraid to change that setting remotely since I could knock out the remaining 3 cameras (two 2630L and one 2330L) that are online. Looks like my only recovery opportunity now is for a real power outage to do a power-on reset to the cameras. Remember that I now have UPS on the router so it will be online while the cameras will all get the power reset.
1) Auto-reboot can recover a camera that is not linked up.
2) Auto-reboot can also take an online camera offline for some reason. Not sure why it's going offline sometimes. Signal to cameras are reasonably strong and there is little RF interference in this area.
3) Having the router on the UPS so that the wifi signal is already there when the cameras power on after a power outage seems to resolve power outage issues.
4) Need to reconsider the use of remote power outlets to allow me to cycle power on lost cameras.
5) Should configure all camera components with static IP addresses and set access point wifi channel for fixed (NOT AUTO) channel selection.
UPDATE AUG 7, 2016 : With additional experience with rebooting, I've found that if the camera gets lost as the result of the auto-reboot it might not come back. I was able to correlate losing one 2330L cam to exactly the time it rebooted because that cam was tied into my DNR-312L recorder. The timestamp where it went offline was right at reboot time. I also lost two other 2330L cams that were on reboot schedules. After two weeks I had my caretaker come over and power-cycle them. I NOW DO NOT RECOMMEND USING AUTO-REBOOT. However, my router/access point is now on a UPS and I've now confirmed that I've recovered all five (3x2330L and 2x2630L) after at least two power outages. NOW I RECOMMEND HAVING AN UPS ON THE IT EQUIPMENT THAT THE WIFI CAMS CONNECT TO.