I tried to use the emergency recovery mode using IE with all the available firmwares (from here https://eu.dlink.com/uk/en/products/dir-842-wireless-ac1200-dual-band-gigabit-router?revision=eu_revc3#downloads) and the router answered the same way every single time: "FAILED TO UPLOAD IMAGE - Unable to upload the image, please make sure the uploaded file is the correct image."
- FW 3.13B08 RevC3
- FW 3.12 RevC3
- 3.10b02 from 05/02/2019
- 3.10b02 from 21/08/2018
Please help 
When updating from an older version of the firmware via the normal web interface, or when updating via the emergency recovery mode, you will have to use the "MiddleFirmware" that still uses the old firmware format, from that you can flash to the very latest one which uses the new format.
Curiously, this does not seem to be included in any of the files listed at the link you provided.
Try using the download from the German D-Link FTP instead:
Then flash MiddleFIrmware from the recovery with IE (Firefox and many newer browsers have changed the way they upload files via HTML forms, the bootloader requires the data to be sent as "application/octet-stream" but browsers have unfortunately changed this within the last couple years), then proceed to flashing the latest version via the normal web interface.
OpenWRT currently only supports the old format (unfortunately, for those who want to flash, they can not use just any browser), but this is why it worked for you