I've 3 DCS-932L. I use Ivideon to get my live video and recordings. I've tried the d-link d-viewcam software too, whit same result.
This weekend i've changed my router to put a netgear r7000p in replacement of netgear r6200v2. The wifi is configured exactly the same manner, except that router support faster speed over wifi 2.4ghz. The encryption and channel is indentical both in router than camera config.
I can get to camera webgui in remote, so my port redirect is ok. I can get too (intermittent) a picture from camera in my software, or any i've tryied, but it frozen like a photo, when you click on it, i've the loading symbol, then disconnect message.
I've done illimited ping to the three camera, and every camera answer in less than 1ms.
Doesn't seem wifi problem, i've tryied without airtime fearness, mu-mimo and beamforming. I've tryied an older type of wifi authentification. Nothing work.
I'm out of idea, any have solution? It's for my business, so it's very important to get this fix as soon as possible.