D-Link DSL Modem/Routers > Other DSL modem/routers

How do you change channels on DSL-2640B?

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I looked everywhere for this but no luck.

How do you change channels on a DSL-2640B?

You can find how to change the wireless channel by looking at the product manual on Pg 58. You can download the Product Manual PDF from Web site. It's under Advanced Wireless.

Unfortunately that is not what our menu looks like.

I tried clicking on every button/option offered in the menu, with no luck.

Below is a screenshot of what we see.

And selecting the Advanced Settings button on this page doesn't bring up what is listed in pg 58 of the manual? What browser are you using?

I didn't know a browser would effect it. I have switched browsers and now it shows up. THANK YOU for helping!


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